He did that?| bughead

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Listen to "never be like you" by "flume, Kai"

He was quiet,shy,alone no one knew his name but he knew everyone's more specifically he knew hers, she was bubbly and gushy and happy and it made him sick but it also brought him joy. He watched her in class everyday as she giggled with her best friends. He Admires her from afar never to get to close for everything that could go wrong. Until the English teacher spoke and drew out the names he pulled hers and his and her gazed met with his. She walked over and put out her hand he grabbed it and shook it a bit to ruff. She pulled back and left his eyes. "Your place?" He offered "no" she said sternly "yours" "no" he nipped back. He was afraid of what to come if she saw his truth his home. The funny thing is she feared the same thing. "Pops?" She fake smiled he saw right through her "sure" they met and did their project pops same booth everyday after school she tried to talk but it never got far he always pushed back afraid she would judge if he truly let her in.

She always was curious why he never spoke up she never knew his name but yet he wasn't new. "Why are you so quiet?" She whispered "that doesn't concern you" he was always a bit cruel he never intended it to be that way but he couldn't help but wonder why she cared for his dismay. He went home that night to see his drunk dad he tried to walk away  peacefully hoping he'd move past. He growled at him and waltzed his way. Slurring his words yelling almost inaudible words that hurt.

She came back a bit late struggling to come back to reality her parents were cruel but she kept up her mortality. She tipped into the house hoping her father was asleep he came out in a tumble and grabbed her at the feet. She slipped down the stairs seeing his daggering eyes if looks could kill she'd be dead in no time. He brought up his fist yelling horrible names he hit her right eye and she felt the blood trickle down he soon let go and fell back as he saw black.

He stubbles away as his dad chases after him he brought his fist and hit his son in the opposite eye his left was purple with cut just above his brow he let him go he looked at him In shock as this never happened before.

How could he do this? He thought
How could he do this? She thought

She got herself cleaned up and went off to bed as tomorrow would come and soon would come dread. She didn't sleep a wink that night while thoughts circled her mind. Did he hate her this much? Or was booz clouding his mind? He brushed his teeth this morning not caring to cover his bruise he lugged on some clothes as he was still hazy from snooze.

She covered up her bruise and put on some fresh clothes. She walked into school with a smile on her face a fake one she didn't see him that morning even though she secretly hoped she would. She walked into the blue and gold and sat alone while working on her article she was mostly always alone sure her best friend was around but she was fake and no one could tell except for her. She never saw him that school day she was worried she didn't know why she basically despised him but she was.

He avoided her that entire day knowing she would ask him questions he saw her walking down the hallway the same bubbly self he was envious she got to be so happy while his father was at home drunk and he was alone. He wished he had the courage to be like her but his life was too messed up. He successfully avoided her all day and he didn't feel as good as he thought he would because the truth is he missed her voice because she was light in his darkness. She texted after school seeing if he would show at pops. He couldn't resist he wanted to see her.

He met her at pops she was already there she looked the same goofy self with her same goofy grin plastered on her face. He sat across from her not looking up in case she saw his bruise unlucky for him she had a keen eye and saw it. She didn't mention anything at first but as time went on the thought was killed the rest she contained slowly "how'd you get that bruise?" She asked not looking up she recognized it all to well "doesn't matter" he dryly commented back "I just want to know jeez" she nipped she was fed up with his stupid remarks.

"Why so you can help?" He said in air quotations "maybe, what's so wrong with that?" She looked him in the eyes now "we're not friends Betty we never will be so stop trying you will never understand how it feels or how I got this. Your so annoying like god do you ever shut up!" He yelled at her he felt guilt creep up he knew she didn't do anything wrong but he couldn't stop "your so god damn infuriating, I just want to be left alone for once! No wonder no one hangs out with you!" She flinched at his words getting slightly scared from the yelling. His expression softened at his own words feeling insanely guilty because he knew that wasn't true. He saw her flinch and an confused expression fell over his face he didn't mean to scare her. He didn't know she scared so easily "I get it" she whispered "I understand" she whispered again she had tears building up in her eyes. He watched as she pulled a make up wipe out of her bag and go and sit next to him

She sat down beside him. He still hadn't spoken he was afraid of what would come out his mouth he wanted the seats to swallow him whole, he was extremely confused on what was going on. She looked up at him her eyes glossy from tears welling up,red rims starting to develop she wiped across her eye revealing a large bruise hovering over her face. Her cheek was cut just beneath the bruise. His eyes wondering across and his fingers lightly traced the edge of the bruise "he did that?" He asked. Tears now welling in his eyes knowing she did understand.

He felt terrible because she felt the exact same way he did. She nodded and got up and grabbed her bag and left. She soon texted him "I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone" he was tempted to walk out the door and scream after to her but he was sat still looking around frazzled at the things he just witnessed.

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