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Many students who's watching the upcoming next line up are shouting loudly already.

Screaming their lungs out already after the announcer mentioned her name. Mix loud voices of boys and girls who's whipped for Yu Jimin.

You look at Karina's direction and your eyebrows furrowed.

She have a great posture, Not bad, you thought.

As the referee blow the whistle signaling and notifying the swimmers to get ready.

Karina stand next to her block and after the long whistle she and her opponents jumped towards the water. It didn't take long for the match to start.

Fetching something to your bag, you pulled out a headset and connect it to your phone to play some songs. The loud screams are starting to annoy and pissed the hell out of you.

You were never fan of noise and you will never be.

Once the loud shouts you're hearing are already lessened when the song you played started playing.

You look back in the middle and watch the players move back and forth for, you don't know how many laps.

You weren't even shocked why Karina has so many fans. Aside from her visual, she's very talented especially at swimming.

She's fast, as if she's like water itself.

Not to mention the way she swims, but Karina swims so enchanting, like whoever would watch her swims are getting drowned by the way she does it.

As you felt another nudge beside you. You removed a one bud from your ear and look at Ryujin, who's also looking at you but with a smile.

" Your rival is great right ? " She said.

You shook your head. " I thought you're Yeji only " You joked but with a serious expression.

Ryujin purses her lips, " Well that's given already, but that's Karina, your rival " She answered while emphasizing the word rival.

" Anyways, since both of you are almost rivals like at each competitions. Why didn't you join swimming too ? " Chaeryoung asked who's been listening to you and Ryujin's conversation.

As you take a look at her direction, you were startled seeing all of them looking at you especially Karina's friends, probably curious of what will you answer to that.

Every school competition you and Karina would always ended up fighting against each other. Though there are times that you won't but well it only happens if the other didn't joined.

" Ah " You react before looking away since their stares are making you uncomfortable.

" I'm not interested in swimming " You answered.

" Why ? " All of them asked in unison, startling you. " It's a sec- " the time you were about to say something.

All of you were startled when the students who's watching started shouted loudly. It grabs their attentions which you're glad of.

You don't want to answer that question, you're not ready yet.

" Karina Yu wins! " You heard the announcer said.

You looked at the board and saw her name placed beside the number 1.

She won, and you weren't shocked about it. Karina's competitive after all and besides she's so focus when it comes to swimming.

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