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Ding, ding, din-  You pressed down onto the annoying contraption and groaned. You climbed out of bed, the grogginess from being awakened suddenly hitting you. You rubbed your eyes and got your supplies to take a shower. Isn't that just great? After having to close yesterday, Hunter decided to make plans with you. You stepped onto the cold tile of the bathroom floor and locked the door behind you. You may have lived alone, but it was a habit. Allowing your clothes drop to the floorn you stepped out of them, and yawned. Then, you placed them on the sink's counter before stepping into the clear, rectangular shower.  The warm water slide down your body as your thoughts traveled elsewhere. Hunter was your bestfriend. You've known him since gradeschool. You've had a crush on him since he helped you escape the trench you had fallen into when you first met. He never seemed to talk about who he liked though, so you never had a clue if he liked you back.

You walked back to your room after the shower. Drying your hair, you called Hunter. Click. "Bish. Hey." You heard his voice.

"Hunter! Hey, are you almost here?" You then heard a ding, informing you that the front door had been opened. You ended the call just as Hunter came into the master bedroom. "You should really start knocking." You grumbled.

"Aw, don't pout, young one. You're so adorable whenever you do that!" He squealed, causing you to blush.

"S-shut up!" You told him. "Where are we going anyways?" You asked, trying to divert from the previous subject.

"Doesn't really matter. What about Denny's?" You nodded, causing your still wet hair to wet Hunter. He shook his head. "Oh no hun, there's no way you're going in public like that." He then made you sit on the bed as he did, not only your hair and makeup, but picked out an outfit for you. "THERE! PERFECT!" He said ecstatically. You rolled your eyes and decided just to get going to Denny's. You knew there was no point in seeing yourself, you wouldn't be able to change it anyway.

"Thar she is!" You yelled throughout the car as you rounded the corner to park somewhere. Just then, a car suddenly pulled into the space you were going for, causing you to push down on the brakes. Your body jolted forward a bit from the harsh impact. The woman got out of the car that had pulled into your spot and you flipped her off. "Asshole!"

"It's aright, (Y/N). Let's find another space. Are you alright?" Hunter asked you. You sighed and put the car into reverse so you could drive better.

"Just dandy, Hunter." You eventually found a spot in the crowded lot. Hunter skipped to the entrance and held it open for you.  Once you were inside, it didn't take long for someone to show you to your table. It had been a corner booth so, naturally, Hunter thought that getting an omelet was appropriate to celebrate.

"Hunt, don't do this.." You cautiously told him as he gulped. 

"No. Real men eat omelets." You shrugged.

"Whatever. You're going to regret it though." You warned, taking a bite of the waffle you had ordered. Your face contorted. "These aren't too good..."

"Of course they're not. At least not for you." Hunter mumbled, then he took a big bite of his food before spitting it back out. You narrowed your eyes at him.

"What's that suppose to mean?" He chugged down his milk.

"Well, you work at  La Meurice, and they don't exactly serve food f0r, what the manager calls, 'commoners.'" He called the waitress over and ordered the same thing as you instead.

"Oh come on, you know that's not true." He gave you a look and laughed.

"My dear, (Y/N). It is the truth and you know it. It's a fancy restaurant, not just some McDonald's." He spread the butter on his waffles. "You're lucky to be working there, free food amiright?" You laughed and ate another piece.

"Yeah, whatever. I have a shift later so your time with me is limited. By the way, you're paying." He groaned.

"No faairr!"

"Shh! People are staring!" You hushed him.

"Then let's give them something to stare at.~" You glared at him.

"If you make me banned from another place then I'm going to ignore you for a whole week." He laughed and pinched your check from across the table.

"Aw, you're so adorable when you're threatening me!" You slapped his hand away.

"Oh, shut up!" You blushed.

(A/N: First chapter is finally up! I hope you all enjoyed and thank you all for reading! Also, special thanks to AnimeCookie (#MajesticKayla, she also goes by Autocorrect 2.0 ) And MelodysNarrator ( She helped me with the title + future ideas ;))

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