Ti amo, idiota.

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"Oi, bastard," Lovino said to his husband, Antonio.

"¿Sí amor?" Spain looked up from the book he was reading. Calling Lovino "amor" made him blush and Spain knew this very well.

"I have something important to...to tell you."

"What is it Romano?"

"Uhhh...well. I-I'm...I'm pregnant," he said

"¿Qué? You're pregnant?"

"S-Sì. I found out two days ago."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Aren't you mad?" Romano was very surprised since he didn't think Spain was ready for something like this

"Why would I be mad, Romano?" Spain asked.

"I didn't know if you'd be happy about this."

"Well guess what? I am very happy about this. I've been thinking about having kids for a while now. I was gonna talk to you about it later today but I guess I don't have to now! I know this is gonna be one of the best things in our lives, Romano," Spain said smiling like a little kid.

"I want to tell Veneziano and the potato bastard. We haven't visited them in quite a while. Can we go?" Romano said.

"Sí. Just let me take a quick shower. Te amo, Lovino."

"Anch'io ti amo, Antonio."


After Spain taking a 10 minute shower and getting dressed, he and Romano left their home and drove off to see Italy and Germany. Thirty minutes later, they arrived at their house. Before knocking on the door, Spain grabbed Romano's hand and kissed him. They knocked on the door and a few seconds later, they were greeted by Germany.

"Hallo Spain and Romano," he said, letting them in.

"Hola, Alemania," Spain said happily.

"Ciao, potato bastard. Where's Veneziano?"

"He's in the kitchen. He's making pasta."

"Grazie," said Romano before going to the kitchen.

When he walked in, Italy turned around and smiled. Romano smiled as well before hugging his little brother.

"Ve~ Ciao Romano! It's been awhile. Are you and Spain hungry?"


"Is he in the living room?"

"He and the potato bastard are talking. Has anything exciting happened since the last time we saw you two?" Romano asked. Little did he know, he was in for a big surprise later that evening.

"Sì. Doitsu and I will tell you after we eat though. I know you'll be happy. At least I hope so," Feliciano replied. He was really nervous about telling his big brother that he and Germany were having a baby. He knew very well (just like everyone else) that Lovino wasn't exactly in love with the idea of his little brother marrying Germany. He just didn't say anything because Italy's happiness was more important than how he felt towards Germany.

"Well I can't wait. Do you need any help?" Romano didn't want to wait but he figured it was important if Feli wanted to wait until after they ate.

"Can you just get me some plates and forks? The pasta is ready."

"Sì. Do you need anything else?"

"Uhhh...some cups. There's no wine, believe it or not, so we'll just drink water. I hope that's fine," Italy was lying. He just didn't want to seem suspicious.

"Sì, of course," Romano was secretly thanking the gods. He didn't need to look suspicious by not drinking wine.

"Grazie, big brother," Italy said while Romano got what he asked for.



"Prego. You're welcome."

"Oh. Right" ( guys I'm crying. "prego" XD I didn't know until I checked and when I did, I screamed. THIS IS PERFECT. I took the opportunity)

"I'll go get Antonio and Ludwig," Romano said while walking to the living room where he found them laughing and having a conversation.

"What are you two talking about? "

"Memories I have of you when you were little, Roma. You were so cute. You still are. We were talking about the time you were trying to protect me from the German men and when you turned red like a tomato. You're so cute Roma," Spain said while Romano just turned red like he did that day.

"Idiota...I didn't know they were guests."

"Lovi, you're all red. It's cute. Come here," Spain said opening his arms for Romano.

"Hmph...fine." He walked over and hugged Spain.

"Is the food ready?" Germany asked still laughing a bit.

"Oh yeah. I came here to get you two since the food is ready."

"Let's go then," Germany said while getting up.


After they ate, they all went to the living room where they talked for a while. After an hour and a half of talking, Italy whispered something to Germany and he nodded. They stood up

"Germany and I have something important to tell the two of you," Italy said nervously.

"Go ahead," Spain and Romano said in unison.

"Okay....well first, please don't be mad Romano. This should make you happy."

"I promise I won't get mad. Now go ahead and tell us," he said. After this, he planned on telling them he and Spain are having a baby.

"Okay. Well...Germany and I....we're...we're having a b-baby. I'm three weeks pregnant."

"Really?" Romano and Spain said in unison. They were both smiling like kids. They got up and hugged Feli and Ludwig.

"¡Felicitaciones!" Spain said.

"I'm happy for you two. Well, Spain and I also have something to tell you guys."

"Go ahead," Germany said,

"We're having a baby too!"

"Really?!" Italy yelled happily.

"Sì," Romano replied.

"Have you decided on names yet? I know it's a bit early but still," Spain asked.

"Actually," Germany said, "if it's a boy, he'll be named Damiano and if it's a girl, she'll be named Kristiane," he continued.

"Those are beautiful names," Spain said.


They continued talking for 2 more hours. Spain and Romano spent the night and slept in the guest room. Both couples were incredibly happy that night.

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