Chapter 8 - The House Of April

Depuis le début

About 20 minutes later I was pulling into my driveway at the end of the cul de sac where I lived. The houses in my neighborhood were all the same boring one floor design, however I'm pretty sure that mine contained the opposite kind of family you would expect to live in such a dull place.

As soon as I had parked, and we were climbing out of the car, my older brother by four years came around the house from the backyard.

"April!" He smiled as I ran forward to hug him. We hadn't gotten along very well when we were younger, but about the time I turned 13 and he was 17, our status of siblings had grown to good friends.

"Mike!" The girls shouted, running forward to grab him too, turning it into a group hug with me squished in the middle. They all thought of him as their brother, too.

"Hey girls! Come to wreak havoc on the Paige residence?" We all chuckled, pulling away.

Kris replied, "'Course we are!"

I noticed Mike stare at something behind us with curiosity, so I swiveled, seeing the boys standing there beside the car awkwardly.

"Oh! Sorry!" I apologized, gesturing for the boys to come forward, which they did, looking at my brother with hesitance. His jet black hair and dark brown eyes could sometimes be a bit intimidating, but he was a teddy bear.

"Boys, this is my brother Mike," I introduced them, "Mike, these are my friends Louis, Harry, Zayn, Niall, and Liam."

The guys carefully shook Mike's hand, and Louis' eyes grew wider than saucers when he noticed the machete hooked onto my brother's belt loop.

"Oh, calm down ya wimp," I hit his shoulder, "Mike's a student at KU, his major is blacksmithing. A.K.A. He makes jewelry and knives and stuff."

Louis relaxed, but immediately tensed up again when Mike commented, "But I'm not afraid to use it."

"UGH, SHUT UP MIKE!" I reprimanded him, punching his shoulder, making him laugh a laugh that was specifically his; it reminded me slightly of Sheldon's laugh from the Big Bang Theory.

"Ignore him," I said to the boys, giving them an encouraging smile, "He wouldn't hurt a fly."

"So, Lady Munchkin of The Shortstack Forest," Mike addressed me using a nickname that he knew annoyed me to no end. Just because he's way too tall, does not mean that I'm short! "Wanna go inside? Mom and Dad will want to see you,"

"Oh, yeah, I came to pick up clothes for staying at Heathers." I said, as we walked up the very short brick walkway to the front door.

We went inside, the boys following the girls, Mike and I tentatively, aware of their new surroundings.

The living room was just inside the front door, separated from the kitchen by a wall that went halfway across the room straight in front of us. A hallway on my right about ten feet in front of me led the bathroom, my room, Mike's room, and my parents room. Like I said; small house.


"April!" My mom said happily, appearing from the hallway, right as my dad entered the room from the kitchen.

I said hello, giving them each a hug along with the girls, before turning to introduce the boys. "Mom and Dad, these are Louis, Harry, Zayn, Niall, and Liam."

"They look really familiar," My mom said before her face changed slightly in shock, "Wait a minute aren't they that boyband that you and the girls love?"

"Yeah, they are," I said slightly blushing. "I came to pick up some more clothes."

"Would they like to stay for dinner?" My dad asked kindly; he was the cook of the family, and a fantastic one I might say.

The Cover Girls (A One Direction Fan Fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant