Episode 42 "The Wannabe in the Weeds" Part 1

Start from the beginning

He then says, "Excuse the mess. I have a show in a month." I nod looking at his different pieces of art as Temp says, "You're influenced by the neo-expressionists." "No, don't even look at that. That is crap." The alarm starts going off again as he then says, "There it goes again. I can't focus. That alarm has been beeping every two minutes ever since Tommy went missing." Booth nods, "Yeah, you know what? That is annoying." "Yes. It's why I've got the earplugs. The cops first showed up, I asked of them to unplug it. They didn't. Maybe you guys could." Booth then says, "Mr. Matthews, Tommy Sour is dead." "Oh, God." "Before he went missing, was there anything unusual about his behavior?" "Well, I didn't know him all that well." 

I then say, "You reported him missing." "Yeah, well, his mail started piling up on his front door, and then that damn alarm clock... It's driving me crazy." Temp then says pointing to a sculpture, "This sculpture is very impressive." "Yeah, it's from my pre-alarm clock period." Booth then asks, "What about strangers? Any new faces around here?" "Oh, wait, yeah. Fat Pam." I ask, "Excuse me?" "Fat Pam. She was one of Tommy's clients." I ask, "I thought you didn't know him that well?" "Well, he was my neighbor. If we took the garbage out, we saw each other, we'd talk a little bit. You know what it's like. Anyway, Tommy was Fat Pam's trainer at, um, Valera Wellness." 

Temp the asks, "Must you call her 'Fat' Pam?" "That's what he called her. It's not like Tommy was the nicest guy who ever lived. She wasn't really all that fat even." Temp then says, "You mean overweight. Fat is a deposit found beneath the skin. It consists of lipids." "Okay, sure. Pam just wasn't one of those fitness robots that Tommy would spend his time with. She started following Tommy home from the gym. And she's sit out on the curb and watch his place. And then about a month ago, she showed up middle of the night started banging on his door." I ask, "Was she angry?" "She was wearing a teddy and heels, so I'm thinking 'angry' wasn't her prime emotion." I was confused on what that meant unlike Temp who understood as she says, "You're implying that she was sexually stimulated." I blushed as Booth then asks, "So, were they, um..." He claps his hands leaving Temp and I confused as he continued, "you know... did they...?" He keeps on clapping his hands as I just stared at him as Temp asks, "Did they have sexual intercourse?" "Well, if they did, it was through a locked door." I nod as Temp says, "So.. no?" Booth claps his hands starting to push Temp out towards the door with me following behind them as he says, "Very good, Bones. Okay, let's go. Thank you for your help." "You're welcome." As we walked out of the door Mr. Matthews then says, "Hey, maybe you could go turn the alarm off or just shoot it." I then yell out, "Sorry!"

We are now at the gym that Tommy worked at as Booth then says to Temp, "Look, they are just trying to get healthy, Bones. That's all." I nod as Temp says, "There is a fine line between health and vanity." Booth didn't understand as he says, "Huh?" "Well, this obsession with physical perfection clouds a society's moral vision." We see that Booth was staring at a woman as I then say, "You are ogling that woman." "What? No, I'm not. I'm just..." I chuckle, "Yes, you are Ranger." "I'm-I'm just, um... admiring her routine." "Sure, you are Ranger." We are then greeted by a worker, "Hi, I'm the wellness center's manager, Dr. Jason. I understand you're with the FBI." Booth was first to speak, "Special Agent Booth. This here is Dr. Temperance Brennan and Dr. Venus Brennan. We're hear about Tommy Sour." "He's in trouble?" "He's dead." Dr. Jason sighs, "That explains why he's not returning my calls." We could see that he wasn't all that upset as I then say, "You don't seem too upset about that." "Tommy was my most popular trainer. Since he disappeared, I've had to deal with a lot of angry clients. You're with the FBI, that means Tommy was murdered?" 

Booth then speaks, "Look, you wouldn't happen to know a woman, a client... of his, Pam? Some people referred to her as Fat Pam." "I know who you mean. Pam Nunan. She booked two-hour sessions, paid in cash. Perfect client until..." Temp asks, "Until?" "Until she fell in love with Tommy. Then she started to freak him out." "How so?" "Said she was 'too handsy.' She'd run up against him, even invited him on a Caribbean cruise." Booth then asks, "Would you happen to have Ms. Nunan's address?" "Sure." He walks away as Temp and I see Booth looking at the woman again from earlier as I chuckle and Temp calls him out, "Booth." "Yeah?" "That does not help the investigation." 

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