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I smirked at the text from Jacob. He was extremely jealous about my "field trip" today. My professors were able to arrange for us to get a tour of Universal Studios as well as meet with a studio executive. The purpose was for us to spend a day on a movie set and then be able to ask any questions. I was super excited and my friends were jealous since they've never toured Universal Studios. But now that I think about it, I've never toured the studios before and I've lived in LA all my life.

"I can't wait to meet Tanner Blassr." Cindy shook my arm. "He's a renowned screenwriter and director."

"Is he your favorite director?"

"Well, no. But, it's still cool to meet him. Don't you think?" She managed to hold my hand.

"Ya..." I arched a brow at our clasped hands.

Cindy ignored my confusion and dragged me after our class. We piled into a bus and Cindy decided to sit next to me. I shuffled a little to create some space, but she didn't value personal space. Cindy leaned over me to point at the sign to the studios. This is gonna be a long day.

The bus stopped and our guide met us. He was incredibly knowledgeable and excited to be showing us around. My classmates, me included, began freaking out when Brad Pitt passed in a golf cart. He smiled and waved while the driver raced off. Now, that's called being starstruck.

The guide instructed us to stay with the group and not venture off. If we are to venture off, security will escort us off the property. Everyone swiftly nodded since we all wanted to meet the famous director. The tour started and it was very educational. We were allowed in different sets to see how they were decorated and the different camera angles. I took notes, so that I could incorporate the set design in my next screenplay assignment.

As we were touring the studios, Cindy was getting so damn clingy. I feft my arm becoming numb from how tight she was holding it. I told her I needed to use the bathroom, so she hummed and released me. I quickly looked around and noticed an empty bathroom.

I noticed my group walk off, but figured they'd stop in a few seconds. I entered one of the studios and beelined to the bathroom. I did my thang and washed up. I opened my stall and smacked into Aspen.

"Ow!" She held her forehead. "Watch where you're- oh, it's you." She rolled her eyes. "Are you a stalker?"

"Am I a what?! No! I'm not a stalker!"

"Then, why are you in here?"

"Because I had to pee, Aspen." I rolled my eyes. "Why else would I be in a bathroom?"

"To stalk me, of course." She stated like it was obvious.

"Must everything be about you?"

"Obviously." She said in a duh tone. "You aren't even allowed back here. This is private and you're definitely not a VIP, so you're trespassing." She crossed her arms.

"Look, I had to pee and escape Cindy." I stated.

"Who's Cindy?" She appeared annoyed.

"The girl who has a crush on me. Come on, Aspen. I've told you that already."

"As if I'd remember that skank's name." She scoffed. "So you're on a date with her." Her eyes narrowed.

"What? No! If I was on a date, I wouldn't just ditch her." Aspen's glare didn't waver. "I'm on a trip with my class."

"A field trip?" She smirked.

"It's not called a field trip!" I snapped.

"Whatever, stalker." She exited the bathroom.

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