Chapter 30 - Escape, (Y/N)! : TWICE?!

Start from the beginning

I watched as my small paper flew through the vents. Now all I could do was hope.

~~5 minutes later, somewhere in the vents~~

"Tch, they're in contact with each other using mini transponder snails." Sanji groaned silently, watching through the grate in the vent.

"Hey, Sanji." Luffy hummed in a hushed tone.


"This is kind of exciting, isn't it?"

"Get moving already, you idiot!"

"Oh, I also found this," Luffy showed his cook the small torn piece of paper, "It has (Y/N)'s name on it."

Sanji snatched it and read over it out loud, yet silently to not get caught, 

"'If you guys board the ship and In not there, set off without me. I have the gold and I'm waiting for the merry to set off. Signed, (Y/N)'."

"Oh, (Y/N)-chwan is so smart! I'm sure she has an amazing plan and we should trust her!" Sanji cooed silently.

"I trust her... and she has our gold! Awesome, (Y/N)!" Luffy silently cheered to no one in particular. Sanji shoved it into his pocket and the two went on to find their crewmates.


"Commander... there still haven't been any reports of the other Straw Hats being seen." Drake said, entering the office through the large brown doors.

Jonathan issued a surprise attack at the jail for the Captain and Cook when they go to rescue the other crewmates. I'm surprised he said it openly in front of me. For a guy who thinks this far ahead, it made me curious. He turned to me as if knowing what I was thinking.

"You have no way to communicate with your friends, you are in Sea Stone, you're trapped in the Commanding officer's office. Tell me, Red (Y/N), what are you thinking about?"

I didn't answer. I just looked at him. Not a glare, but not a look of fear either. Just a blank stare.

After that for a few minutes, Jonathan got up and went near the door, "Well, I'll be out for a little bit. Stay here." Before he could reach for the handle, I stopped him.


I was sitting facing away from him as he froze, hand hovering over the doorknob.

"Don't... what?" He asked, a small smile present.

"Don't pity me."

He looked confused. I sighed;

"Look, I respect you, but you're not the smartest person in the world, Jonathan." I stood up and sat in the chair, "I know you are giving me a chance to escape. You want me to regroup with them because you have something planned, don't you?" I was looking him dead in the eyes, slight anger present in my face, but not my tone.

I heard his breath hitch. I hid my smile and continued.

"I'm assuming, you know the surprise attack won't work. After all, the attack is against our 4 strongest members," I looked out the balcony door window, "So you plan to lead them to another spot somehow and trap the lot of us there. You want us to regroup for one final offensive move."

He was looking at me with wide eyes and mouth agape. His hand was slightly shaking, still hovering over the doorknob. I decided to continue. I stood up and walked next to the window, pointing out the bridge in the distance.

"I know that the small island over there is the prison. And the only way to get here and there is the bridge. You'll sacrifice the bridge, won't you?"

He was now in the middle of the room, advancing towards his chair.

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