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𝐎𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐣


   My cursing sounded up again as I pulled into the parking lot of the Shell to go to their nearest gas pumps. The prices were hell, and I was damn near paying $30 dollars for a half tank of gas. The funny thing was that this gas was the cheapest out of all the other ones.

I really hated to get gas.

    Gas prices were beating my ass and so was the sun. The heat was actually terrible out here and I had to suffer. This gas station was so fucking ghetto too. It was like all the niggas came here to try to mess with and pick up a girl to fuck. I hated it, especially since I was always the victim of their advances.

I was out of school for the summer, and that meant the men were too.

    On top of gas, Iwas hungry since I hadn't eaten anything today. My lips automatically pursed as I pulled up to the pump. It was crowded as always, just seething with them. Today would be hell, and I knew it too. Just my luck that on the day I decided to go and look cute, that I would need some gas from the most ghetto one in town. I

    Had to do what I had to do though. I wasn't paying $60 dollars for a tank of gas, not in this climate. My sundress was on, and my toes were out. My hair was wrapped up in a bun because it was too hot to have my neck covered. I would be sweating, and my neck would be scorching. It wasn't cute. Solange was forcing me to go to the beach with her, and that's why I needed the gas anyways.

    I was driving because she didn't have a car. How're you going to force me to drive when you don't have a car? It was whatever though, she told me she would pay me back, hopefully. Her sister is in a gang or something. I've never seen her before- anytime I go over there, she's always out the house. I don't even think they get along that well, but she said that she'll beg her for the gas money.

    Whatever, as long as I get my money back, I'm fine with it. I was sitting in my car for a little while enjoying the air conditioner before I got out of the vehicle. I was mentally preparing myself for what I would have to go through in a few seconds. When I mean everyone was at the gas station, I meant it. The police couldn't ask them to vacate the property either, especially because it was connected to the store.

     Can't ever fucking win! I simply just don't want to be bothered. I hate being catcalled, and I already have a boyfriend. Yeah, some women love it- they crave the attention, but I'm truly just not one of them. August was the sweetest, and I'd think twice before I ever cheat on him. Sure, we've had some ups and downs, but I can see us being together for a while. He was honestly great. Originally, I asked him to take us to the beach, but he said he was busy.

    He was with that shit too, some kind of gang affiliation. He didn't involve me in any of it though. He seemed like a good guy with a great heart, and I appreciated that. He was busy and I was cool with that, people have their own things to do anyways. I just hated driving, and that I was the one paying for the gas.

    After all this stalling, I decided to finally get my ass out the car. As soon as I opened that door, it was all of what I expected. Whoops and Hollers. Niggas are so weird; it was like they were waiting for me. They had a few studs in the mix as well, but they weren't as loud or as brazen as the men were. I spotted a few girls my age, scantily clad in revealing clothes, trying to talk to them, but they weren't paying them any attention.

    I couldn't blame the clothes. It was hot out, and its summer. I hated the desperation though. Not being one to judge or anything, but dad always told me that girls who vie for attention of men makes them less attractive. And he was a man, so I'm going to take a man's advice. Dad has been raising me since I was little anyways. He'd always been there since Carol decided to dip out and go do crack.

𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍; 𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐍𝐈𝐊𝐀 𝟏𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒.★Where stories live. Discover now