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Something in my drafts that I've had for a while, just had to edit, a little shorter, but I think this'll have a part 2!

Hope you enjoy, have been a little busy, I'm moving soon <3!

𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐜é 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐬


   Oh lord.

Pursing my lips as I looked at the empty kitchen, I sighed, and sat in one of the many stations that faced the front of the room. I'm being forced to take a cooking class because everyone is "fed-up" with my "cooking style". Personally, I didn't think I was that bad at cooking, I just had a different technique than most.

So what if I burned the poptarts that one time? they were just too stale. Kelly had thrown me into this class, she said it was beginner level. I reluctantly decided to take it, hopefully I could learn some new things. I don't necessarily have a problem with cooking classes, but I feel that nobody should have to tell me how to fix my own food.

I'm not a child, and I don't like asking for help. I'm a grown-ass 27-year old woman, I've survived this long, so I'm pretty sure I could learn how to fix some lemon pepper wings by myself. That was the recipe we were going to be learning today. There were a few more people scattered across the room, waiting for the instruction to start.

The chef who would be teaching us head yet to arrive. Checking my watch, I noticed that they  were 15 minutes late. How are they gonna teach me how to make food and they can't even get to their own class in time?  This should be interesting. Hearing a noise, the door flew open and the chef came in looking a little frazzled.

"Sorry about that everyone, my car had a flat-tire." Typical.

Even though she was late, I had to give it to the woman, she was beautiful. She was short, had to be about 5'2. She had long jet black hair that was thrown into a bun at the top of her head. She had on a white chefs outfit, she must be a higher up. With big brown eyes, and perfectly arched eyebrows, she showcased naturally beauty as she had no makeup on.

She bent down to pick up her coat that had fallen on the floor and I almost passed out. Damn, her ass is bigger than mine. I wonder if she likes girls. She turned back around, getting herself situated, turning on her stove and standing by her station. clapping her hands, she started talking. I liked her voice, It had a deep, authorative tone to it.

"Hello everyone, I'm hoping your having a great day, and if not, then i hope your day gets better after taking this class!" I doubt it.

"I'm Chef Onika, and I'll be teaching you today!" Ole ghetto ass name.

"Alright class, let's begin. Today we'll be making something simple, Lemon pepper Wings. Yes, I know you could just go out and buy some, but that isn't the purpose of this class. I don't want any back talk. For those of you who are new, welcome. For those of you who are not new, you know how I get down, let's begin."

She suddenly chuckled. "I sound like a substitute teacher, but let's turn on your stoves, and fill our pot of with some frying oil, that should be about half the bowl, and get two lemons form your fruit baskets."

I nodded trying my best to do what she was instructing. The pots were foolproof too, they had an exact marking of where I needed to stop. The Crisco Oil even had a sign on it. :"THESE ARE FOR YOUR WINGS" it read, in big bold letters. Damn. I guess this was cooking for dummies'.

  She did everything so effectively, she didn't waste anything, nor did she even have to really look at what she was doing. After waiting for a few minutes, the Oil started to boil.

𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍; 𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐍𝐈𝐊𝐀 𝟏𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒.★Where stories live. Discover now