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𝐎𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐣

  "Ow!" I jumped as I accidentally bumped into one of the people dancing in the crowded street.

     Adjusting my purse on my shoulder, I looked around to find Lauren, one of my students. She was standing over by a huge onset of cars, swaying her hips to the beat, and dancing on one of my other students. They're in college, but the moves I was seeing were too provocative for me. The sad thing was I was around their age too, maybe they were right to say that I didn't get out much.

  I'd been invited to a kickback for the end of the year. Usually, I wasn't, but I guess my status had been elevated as "cool professor." I'm not sure why, but I know Lauren had something to do with it. She was really popular with all the other students in the school, and she seemed to really like me. I honestly had no idea why, but it was still nice to be invited.

  I told my mom about the kickback that I'd been invited to, and everyone had been harassing me to go since. They say I don't get out of the house enough, if only they knew! I do things for fun, I like to go get frozen yogurt, and I do Pilates every now and then! Hell, I might also pop in and do a wordsearch, you really never know with me!

   Humph. This party was honestly crowded as hell, and I had no idea why I decided to go alone, I needed some backup. I haven't been to a party like this since my first wife, and even though it was a while ago, I still haven't quite gotten over it. My heart broken when I thought of Robyn, she was my everything, but then she just had to go and cheat. I know I shouldn't be thinking of her so much, but it's hard not to, especially when you're somewhere that reminds you of them.

"Ms. Maraj!" Lauren yelled over to me, making me jump. She was loud as hell.

     Of course, everyone stared at me. That was what came with the assets of having hips, a huge butt, and nice breasts, but there was a pair of eyes that were more intense from the others, I just couldn't see them. Even students and other teachers fawned over me. They never missed a day of class though; I'll tell you that.

    I quickly waved and speed walked over to her and her little friends. Greeting them, I smiled. "Hi students, thank you for inviting me." I was still looking around, places like these made me uncomfortable, it wasn't my type of scene, so many people. I looked up to one of my other students and they all hugged me one by one, and waving.

"No problem, teach. Were glad you came, no lame ass frozen yogurt." Symere snickered, causing everyone to laugh.  I stubbornly rolled my eyes; they know nothing about good dessert.

"Shut it, you all harassed me to come here, plus I had nothing to do today, so I visited you all, be grateful!"

Thembi cackled. "Nah! be grateful you got invited somewhere!" I gasped dramatically. My students had the type of relationship where we could play with each other like that.

Waving them off, I sighed. "Whatever, what songs are playing, I don't know them?" Lauren put her hands on her hip. "Ms. Maraj, this is new, why don't you know it?!" I scratched my head.

"Hey! even though I'm 26, I'm not on social media like that!" I tried to reason with them, I really had no idea what was going on. I was a professor at the college they attended, I was making lesson plans, not listening to Playmate Cardboard, or whatever his name was.

  The music blasted even more, and everyone started to dance as I just stood there, slightly confused. My body was pulled to the middle, and I swayed my hips a little, I was never much of a dancer. Plus, the type of clothes I wore were never for the dancing type, today was an exception.

"Come on, Tanya! Show me your unspoken rizz!" Kelly shouted at me, making me stop my movements and look at her crazy. Tilting my head at her I furrowed my eyebrows.

𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍; 𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐍𝐈𝐊𝐀 𝟏𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒.★Where stories live. Discover now