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𝐎𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐣


"Yall ready to go?" I yelled out into the room from my place in the bathroom.

I was putting on my makeup and fixing my hair one last time before we headed out into this party. We were in college, and that meant the annual "Springfest" event.

"Yeah, calm down girl! We'll be ready!" Normani yelled back to me with the roll of her eyes.

I couldn't help it. I loved to party, and I was so excited. I'd never really been to Springfest before, since it was only my sophomore year of college. We couldn't have it last year because of COVID. It sucked, but we were here now, and that's all that mattered. My outfit was smoothed, out and my hair was fixed. I was ready to shake some ass tonight.

My friends didn't want to go, at first, but then they heard that she would be there. After that, they were almost going as fast as me. I was extremely protective over them, and I was almost like the mother of my friend group, I just cared about them a lot, I was going to say that we didn't have to go at first, I never wanted them to be uncomfortable, I guess they changed their minds.

Lauren suggested that we got there early so we could dance at the front of the field, near the stage. This party was so huge, that it took up the expanse of 4 football fields, there had to be about over 2,000 people that attended this event every year. and at the top of it all, was a huge stage. That was usually where all the "popular" cliques were. The sororities, The athletes, and the thugs.

It could be a chilly day in spring and everyone and their grandma would show up to Springfest, coats and all. That usually changed when you got under the big tent, it was hot as hell in there. Even though I had never been, I sure learned a lot from my copious amounts of research. From my older friends to the website on the school page. I wanted to go to this party so bad. It excited me, as it would be my first ever college party.

I'm not sure if you could call me the "life" of the party, but I did bring entertainment, at least that's what everyone else says, I haven't really been to a party since senior year before everything started. My outfit was straightened out, and I had to admit, I was looking plenty good. It wasn't anything special, but it was a more chill event, so I dressed accordingly.

My pink bob cascaded down my big breasts as my black crop top rode up slightly, revealing my black bra underneath. I adjusted my pink and purple jacket on my body as I stepped out of the bathroom, stretching slightly, as my black leggings rode up on my ankles. I threw on some black sneakers to complete my look, and I checked my phone for the time. I was having slight difficulty with clicking the apps due to my long French tips.

I'm not sure, but something told me to wear my sneakers.

Some bright pink lipstick, and my usual light eyeliner look completed my beat. It was more natural looking, but it still commanded attention, just the way I liked it. I smiled and twirled around the room, eliciting some small claps form my other friends, they were so nice, always supporting me.

 I smiled and twirled around the room, eliciting some small claps form my other friends, they were so nice, always supporting me

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𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍; 𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐍𝐈𝐊𝐀 𝟏𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒.★Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora