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(For all my babies who don't have a valentine <3!)

𝐎𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐣


I grumbled as I walked to my car and threw my backpack inside of it. Slamming the door, I put the car in ignition and pulled off from the college parking lot, on the way to my apartment. As I drive, I see all the billboards and posters about Valentine's Day.

Fuck Valentines day.

All Valentines day is, is a cash grab for the economy to flourish. It's as meaningless as Saint Patrick's Day and Martin Luther King Jr Day. Don't get me started on that fucking coon. I grumbled as I stop at a red light at an intersection, I start to get a call but I ignore it, there is no fucking way I was getting a ticket for talking while driving.

All these white police Officers do is try to set you up and pull you over for no reason, as soon as I see that Caucus skin, I know I need to evade the premises. The light finally turns green and I head straight to my apartment. Once I get in, I notice all my lights are on, That's extremely strange because one, I live alone, and two, why the hell would anybody want to be bothered with me?

I sigh and venture further into my house. Feeling frightened, I grab a fire poker from the nearby rack by the fireplace, and I use it as a baton. I start to hear rumbling in the kitchen and I move stealthily before I get into a swinging position, ready to knock whoever this evader in my house is.

I race into the room screaming, the person turns around and I am immediately hit with disappointment.

It's just Abel. He is holding his hands up and looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Onika! what the fuck??" I throw the fire poker down and cross my arms.

"Abel! What the fuck? You didn't even call me or tell me that you were in town for the summer, I cam in here on attack mode because I thought some weirdo had barged into my house!" I relented, uncrossing my arms and throwing them into the air.

"Girl, be quiet, who in the hell would rob you?" I smacked his head and rolled my eyes, walking into my room and plopping down on my bed, Abel right at my heels. He plopped on my bed next to me.

"And for your information, I did call you! Like 30 minutes ago, check your phone sometimes, buzzkill!" My eyes lit up at the confirmation that he called me.

"Oh, that was you who called me! Sorry, I was driving, couldn't check my phone. We follow the rules of the road in this household." Abel only rolled his eyes and began to ramble on about something I didn't care about.

Abel was my only friend. We've been tight since like 6th grade. He's in some weird summer retreat and he goes year long and comes back in the summer, so any time he comes into town unexpectedly, it's always a surprise." This little retreat is supposed to be something about "opening your mind" and "Enhancing your Chakras" but I honestly think it's a load of bullshit, he's in a cult if you ask me.

Just like those weird Nicki Minaj fans, "Barbz". Whatever. I tune back into whatever Bullshit Abel's currently talking about.

"Onika! I have good news!" I raise my eyebrows, and I adjust myself on my bed so I'm facing him. Everything that comes out this boys mouth is never any good news.

"What is it?"

"Since you've never had a Valentines Day date in your life, I set you up with one!" I looked at that boy like he had 5 heads.

"Now why In the fuck would you do that??" He exasperated and threw his hands up.

"Because Oni, You need to think bigger, and get out there, you're a great catch, and you need to stop being so pessimistic all the time! I promise she's great, and I know you guys would hit it off, You might even get some action, lord knows you need it!"

𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍; 𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐍𝐈𝐊𝐀 𝟏𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒.★حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن