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"𝐁𝐞𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐜é 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐞𝐬"


Onika Maraj.

My mom's best friend had to be the finest woman on this earth. She was smart, sexy, and had an accent that made you want to melt. Everything about her was prefect in every way. She was around my age, much younger than mom, but they seemed to really click, and they enjoyed each other's presence, so I didn't think too much of it. I wanted so badly to even just speak to her, but there was one problem. I was so shy around her it didn't make any sense.

I heard shuffling and talking downstairs, I knew that they had gotten back from the Nail Salon. They had left a few hours ago, and went to go get some food afterwards. Slowly stalking out of my room, I walked down the stairs into the kitchen. There stood Mom and Onika by the island, talking. Neither of them had noticed or acknowledged my presence yet, so I went up to my mom and wrapped her into a sweet embrace.

My mom gasped and hugged me back while speaking to me.

"Oh! Hi Bey, are you feeling better?- I let her take a mental health day, she wasn't feeling the greatest."

She said to Onika, cutting her off mid sentence from speaking to me. I nodded, gaining my moms attention from the woman. I could feel her eyes burning a hole through the side of my face but I ignored it.

"Hi mom.. yes, I'm feeling better.."

She nodded and let go of me. I went to refrigerator and awkwardly poured some milk into a glass while mom kept on talking to Onika. I zoned out a few minutes into their conversation and I soon heard footsteps leading upstairs. Assuming they'd went back upstairs, I turned around to go back to my room Only to be faced with Onika.


She walked forward and had trapped me between the corner of the counters. and she stared up at me, her short stature pressing against my front. I could feel the puddle between my legs start to grow and I quivered. She was so close to me, that I could smell her intoxicating scent right up close. Cherry Blossoms. Wow..

She reached up to my nipple and started fondling it, seductively. I was wearing a cropped tank top shirt with no bra underneath. She played with my breast some more and squeezed it, making me moan from the loss of contact.

"Hi Bey, so you weren't going to speak to me?"

I gulped, I had never really spoken to her before so I was confused when she said that. What made today so different?

"I-I'm sorry.." She smirked at me. Running her finger down to the rim of my pajama pants, playing with it.

"Bey, why are you always so nervous when I'm around..?"

She was right. I had no reason to be this shy though. I wasn't a virgin by any means, but something about her shook me up so badly that I could barely function when she was around. what if this could be my chance to finally say something, If she's touching me like this could she like me back? If she says no, things couldn't be any more awkward than they are now.

"B-Because.." Tilting her head, she pulled me down slightly to her lips. Her brown eyes trained intensely on my hazel ones.

"I already know, I just want you to say it.."

I took a deep raggedy breath. She smelt so good and I felt like I was going to pass out. How could I ever dominate a woman like this? I was just cowering at her close contact.

𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍; 𝐁𝐄𝐘𝐍𝐈𝐊𝐀 𝟏𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒.★Where stories live. Discover now