8 - Einzbern and Her Berserker

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Illya: Well, well... To think I find you doing these things, Onii-chan~!

Shira: ?!

Rin: Berserker?

Of all times, she has to be here, doesn't she? With Berserker? Well the plot somehow demands it.

Kazuto: Good evening, Illya. First of all, these are my acquaintances. And second, whatever you're thinking, ew! We're siblings!

Illya: Fufu~ I know.

At least dad didn't tell her that I'm adopted or else that would gone bad and instead pull out the neglected child card that I was her sibling and secret love child hidden from the cruel reality of Mages or something along those lines.

Flashes of few bad endings that includes Illya begins to fill my mind as I shudders.

Or else things would have been different...

Still, she's one year older than me...

Illya steps forward and bows.

Illya: Nice to meet you, Rin. I'm Illya. Illyasviel Von Einzbern. You know the name "Einzbern", don't you?

Rin: Einzbern...

Illya: So you're Shira-oneechan, right?

Shira: Y-Yes!

Boing! Boing!

Rin: ...I see why, you pervert.

Kazuto: Huh?

Shira: W-What do you mean by that?!

Illya: I'm still growing!

Kazuto: I'm so confused right now...

Rin: Wait a second! How is your sister an Einzbern!?

Illya: Well-

Kazuto: My father, Kiritsugu Emiya, was married to the Einzbern family to serve the presentative of the previous Holy Grail War, which as you know, didn't go so well.

Illya: Oh come on! I was going to explain it in a dramatic way...

Kazuto: I rather keep it simple...

The two girls then check Berserker's parameters.

Shira: No way... His stats are high all across the board!

Rin: I'm astonished. In terms of raw ability, that thing outclasses Saber while Lancer can match his agility...

Archer: That Servant could face the other six alone.

Rin: Meaning this isn't an opponent we can beat with brute force, huh? Archer, you should use your class's usual methods.

Archer: What about defense? If it charges, I doubt you can stop it.

Rin: Tch...

Rin looks at Shira and I.

Rin: There are four of us. At the very least, we'll be able to hold it off.

Archer: Understood.

And Archer jumps to a vantage point. More like on a top of a far away building if I remembering the story correctly.

Rin: Shira, it's your decision whether to, or stay and fight. But if you can, try to run.

Shira: ...

I can get Shira being scared. This is a supernatural war were heroes of the past are summoned to kill other servants and masters, and innocents if necessary.

Illya: Are you done talking? Can I get started?

Kazuto: Before that, can I guess the identify of your servant?

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