Brother's Best Friend

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"Want a drink?" Niall asked you, handing you a beer.

"Oh. I'm not really a beer person," you scrunched your nose at the drink.

"That's fine. We got tequilla, vodka, gin, rum, hard seltzers, wine coolers, champagne. Or if you're boring, water," Niall chuckled.

"Uh, I'll take some rum please," you said, looking at all the options.

"Atta girl," Niall smiled, pouring you a drink. He handed it to you with a wink.

"Thanks," you took a sip. "You didn't do anything to this, right?"

"(Y/N), come on. Why would I do that to you? Hmm?" Niall asked.

"Just asking," you took another sip.

Just then, you heard a crash and your heads whipped around to a noise in the corner.

"AHHH! I gotta take care of something. Make yerself at home please," Niall sucrried off to see what broke.

You sat on a barstool, sipping your rum. You picked up a headband with '2022' on it and some beads from the bar and put them on you to get in the festive mood.

After you had finished your drink, you threw your cup away and started to walk around. You realized in 5 minutes the only people here you knew were Harry and Niall and they were otherwise preoccupied.

You bit your bottom lip and stood in the corner, scrolling through your phone. You saw your friends' who ditched you posts and started to pout, tears welling up in your eyes. When you started to sniffle after seeing the third one, your phone was yanked out of your hand.

"Hey! That's-!," you yelled, but when you looked up you saw Niall, holding onto your phone.

"No phones," he shook it.


"Phones distract us from living in the moment and it looked like you just saw something upsetting, so get off your phone and play some pong with me," he took your hand. "C'mon."

You sighed and walked over with him to the beer pong table. "But Niall I hate beer."

"Ahh! Yer lucky 'm really good at this then," he winked at you and placed his arm around your waist, scooting you to the other side. His touch on you illuminated goosebumps on your body.

You just smiled at him to release the tension.

Niall threw the first ball and it landed in the cup. You cheered and high-fived each other. The other team missed and you both laughed. Niall guided you on how to throw the ball perfectly, taking your arm in his hand. The hand that wasn't helping you held onto your waist and you could feel yourself getting wetter by the second.

When he whispered 'release' in your ear, you let go of the ball, it landing perfectly in the cup, and you shuddered. Niall smiled at you when the other team chugged their cup of beer and you had to hold onto the the ping pong table in order to not have your legs give out on you.

"Good girl," he said, squeezing your hip. This man was KILLING you. The other team had scored while you were both looking at each other. Niall picked up the cup and drank the beer while staring into your eyes.

You had to squeeze your legs together in order to not drip on the floor.

The game had continued ans resulted in you two winning. You high-fived each other and lingered awkwardly.

"Uh, I'm going to go get something to eat," you stuttered.

Niall nodded and watched you walk away. Another girl, who he didn't know came up to talk to him, congratulating him on the win and touching his arm.

Niall Horan ImaginesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat