You were walking normally.

"Are you okay?" You asked, holding a hand out to him with stoic features.

"You... you must be an angel!" He cried, clinging onto your waist and rubbing his tears away on your skirt.

"No. I'm a Yamada."

"I don't know what that is but you're amazing!!!"

You looked at him confused.

"Y/n!" Your mentor shouted, grinning at you as he walked towards you two. "Good job! You didn't even need me this time!" Rengoku laughed boisterously, patting your head gently.

You reached up and held his hand, tracing the calluses with your finger.

"Mhm. It's because you taught me."

Zenitsu deadpanned, blinking as he watched this affectionate exchange.

"I've got to get to my mission now! Catch up once you get this boy to safety!" He shouted before dashing the other way to leave the village.

You waved, then turned around to face Zenitsu.

"Oh... Are you a demon slayer?" You asked him, looking from head to toe. "Kind of... Pathetic--"


You stared at him wideyed for a second, then shrugged.




Inosuke Hashibira(14 he's 15)

You smiled, passing the bowl of Udon to a customer happily.

"Have a good day, sir, thanks for coming!" You said.

The man grinned and slid some yen towards your father.

"It's time to close up, Y/n, the streets are empty now."

You nodded and watched him walk away before turning back around. Every other shop was already closed up and it was your turn with your family's stand.

Just a bit of info, you live with your widowed dad and baby brother. Your mom passed away after giving birth to him.

Anyways, you started cleaning the stand and turning off lights slowly.


You screamed slightly, but turned around anyways while throwing one of the ladles at them. A loud THUD came from his head as the boar-man-thing dropped on the ground in pain.

"Inosuke!" A redheaded guy called worriedly, running over from the right.

"What are you doing here?! I don't recognize you!" You yelled wearily, holding up your butchers knife after gulping. You live in a small town so you knew everyone like family.

The three boys stook out like a sore thumb, mainly because of their hair colors and swords.

"So sorry! We're just passing by!" The one in green said.

"Why are you carrying swords with you?" Still not completely trusting them, you slowly reached behind you to grab your haori in case you needed to run.

"Well... Uhm... It's hard to explain.. but we sort of kill demons?" It sounded more like a question than an explanation.

"Stay here. Don't. Move." You ordered, inching out of the shop and towards your house. Once you were far enough away, you ran to the door and slid it open. "To-san! Come with me, quick!"

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