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Jimin pov

I left the alpha and the alpha in waiting, or whatever they called him, to figure out my situation.

Sure, he was my mate, I had no doubt, but where we would go with this I had no idea.

He said he chose me, but I wasn't entirely comfortable with that or sure he wouldn't regret it and change his mind when he realized what he'd given up.

I dumped a whole pound of bacon in a skillet and turned on the heat, hungrier than I'd ever been, stirring it around from time to time because I couldn't have all flat even strips with that much cooking at once.

And I didn't care if it was perfect.

While it sizzled, I got out eggs and grated a big potato for hash browns.

And made toast. A half hour later, I had a platter that probably should have served three or four people in front of me—and a fork.

Answers to my questions about life, of those, I had none.

And by the time I had forked up all the food and shoveled it into my mouth, I hadn't come up with any more answers, and I was still hungry.

If I kept this up for the duration of the pregnancy, and I actually had no doubt I was pregnant.

I'd weigh six hundred pounds and be ready for a TV episode on that show where the extremely large people try to get down small enough to have a functional life.

Or at least out the door.

I'd watched them with pity and rooted for their success...but while it would be fun to be famous, I would prefer to achieve that status in another way.

Like: Dad of Most Outstanding Baby of the Year.

Whew. I fished a half gallon of butter brickle ice cream from the freezer, a spoon from the silverware drawer, and sat back down to consume a few bites while taking in the fact a baby was really on the way.

A few bites turned into a few more until I saw the carton bottom and knew I had a problem.

I picked up the phone and called Grams.

"Hello, Grams?"

"Jimin, I was expecting your call."

I launched into an explanation of everything that had happened to date, and, to her credit, she only pointed out that if I had followed her advice, I'd be neither pregnant nor sporting a belly. But she said it with conviction.

"So, what do I do, Grams? He's my mate, and he is walking away from his future for me, and I barely know him."

And wanted him more every time we were in the same vicinity. "I can't just become something I've never been."

"If you hadn't gone to the bar that night"

okay, second told-you-so.

"you wouldn't have any of these problems." She took a deep inhale.

"But since you did, the only solution is to kill jungkook."

She stopped, as if she'd presented a solution and there was no more to say.

Grams had always been radical, sure of herself, but she'd never suggested anything murderous before that I knew of.

"Grams, you're joking, right?" She had to be.

"Not at all. You've made it clear you don't want any part of this mate stuff, and the only way to break that bond is death."

"Obviously, I don't want you dead, and I'm sure you wouldn't want to take the baby with you, anyway."

"I'm looking forward to my great-grandchild as well."

"So, we take him out of the picture, and you move on, almost as if it never happened."

"When are you coming to visit?"

Gods she was serious. "He's my baby daddy."

"Yes, I understand that. But lots of kids only have one parent. It's not optimal, but I want my grandson happy." She'd gone off the deep end.

"Uh, okay, I'll think about it. I need to go for a walk. Just ate a big meal."

"Take a jacket. You don't want to get a chill."

I was already shrugging into one, shifting the phone from hand to hand.

"Okay, Grams. Done."

Not going to refuse her advice again, with one notable, criminal exception.

"Love you," she chirped and disconnected before I could reply.

I set the phone on the counter.

The world had turned upside down since that night in the bar.

I went out the back door and trudged into the woods, just wanting some peace and quiet.

I didn't even want to think anymore, just to get away from everything that disturbed my mind.

It was a quiet night without even a breeze to ruffle the leaves, but way overhead the moon sailed across the sky, nearly full and playing hide and seek with scattered clouds.

I kept going, with no destination in mind, grateful for the cool air on my face and the lack of other people around.

Then the brush ahead and to my right moved. There was still no wind, and no other trees were moving.

"Is someone there?" My voice shook, but I stopped and held my ground.

I'd never carried weapons in these woods, never seen a need or heard of any issues but as I waited for a response.

I began to wish for at least a pepper spray cartridge or a police whistle.

Not that anyone would hear but it might frighten my attacker away.

Attacker. How my mind ran to that right away as my palm splayed over my belly protectively.

My baby was so tiny I couldn't even imagine, but it was there, and I felt it, knew it, and must keep it safe.

After a long moment, a snout emerged from the bush, followed by the wolf it was attached to.

Gray fur, dark nose, alert ears, and eyes glowed in the moonlight as it moved toward me.

I couldn't breathe, wanted to run, but feared that would only have it chase me.

I remembered advice for confronting bears, play dead, but did that work with wolves?

As my mind bounced from idea to idea like a ball in a pinball machine, something deep inside me pulsed.

a low growl rumbled, and I realized it hadn't come from the creature staring at me on the path.

Holy hell, it'd come from me.

Jungkook said I'd turn, but I hadn't totally believed him or the healer.

And I never thought it would happen so fast.

Then my world was topsy-turvy, and I was on the ground. My clothes lay in shreds around me, and my hands were paws.

The wolf in front of me startled and turned to run, and I, a wolf twice his size, tore off after him, racing over the forest floor, until he made a sharp right turn and disappeared.


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