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Jimin pov

"Anley, what are you up to?" I pivoted toward his habitat to see him just there like a slug, under the heat lamp.

Damn it. I was imagining things again.

It had been days now that I kept sensing someone in the room or right behind me, or a few times even speaking.

If they had all taken place at my home I'd have said the damn place was haunted.

Except it wasn't just here. It was at work, at the grocery store, at the coffee shop, at the stupid post office...

It was everywhere.

"Night, Anley." I sighed and turned off his lamp, took the last sip of tea, and padded off to my bedroom.

I was exhausted.

Maybe that was why I kept hearing or sensing things or whatever it was.

Waking up hours before my alarm went off was the pits, and it was all his fault the man from the bar.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I saw him standing there, his jeans hugging his ass perfectly, his biceps begging to be licked, that damn smirk that told me he knew exactly what he was doing to me.

And really, I saw him even when my eyes weren't closed, but it was more of a challenge to block the images out when I had no task to distract me.

I was officially the worst one-night stand ever. I didn't get it.

How did guys connect enough to want to screw and not feel like walking away was some kind of big old fail?

Because I sure as shit felt like if only I'd done something differently I would not be here alone.

Which was crazy—of course it was, but there it was.

After countless minutes of willing sleep to happen, I would eventually fall asleep.

Some nights were far worse than others, but the result was always the same.

He would show up in my dreams.

Not just any dreams either, the kind that had me waking up hard as a rock, not instantly sure if it had really happened or not.

The first night, I tried to ignore it and will myself back to sleep. Sleep never came.

The second night, I rubbed one out, thinking it would make me sleepy enough to go back to sleep.

Sleep never came.

The third night, I added a toy, thinking maybe I just needed a bit more.

Sleep never came.

Ever since then, I just started my day.

This night was no different.

I lay in bed counting until I lost track of where I was, reciting some old poems I had to learn in elementary school until they all blended into one, and even tried some breathing techniques I saw online.

Eventually, sleep took over.

"I was wondering when you would show up?" His cheek rubbed against mine as he whispered in my ear.

"I've been wanting to taste you all day."

And just like that, he fell to his knees, and his lips were wrapped around my cock, which was standing at full attention.

I was naked to his full attire, and we were outside surrounded by trees as if it were completely normal for me to be naked in such a place.

Not that I cared in this instance.

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