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Jimin pov

My eyes were so heavy.

What was wrong with me?

Could I be pregnant?

And if I was, why did my body not want to move.

"You need to back the fuck off."

Jungkook. He was here, and suddenly everything felt better. 

Except, wasn't he the reason I was here in the first place?

Gah, this wolf mate shit was fucked up.

"You should leave, Jiwoo." namjoon's voice.

But who is Jiwoo?

"No. I don't think so. He's half human. Do you think your father will put up with this?"

Oh he was mad, whoever he was.

"There are birthright questions...you and I both know it, and I'm the one it's going to fuck."

My body felt more like my own now, and I was pretty sure I could open my eyes and possibly even sit up by now, but this felt too important to hear, so I played possum.

"I'm going to end up fucking alpha, you asshole," he continued on his tirade.

"I don't need that shit. Fix this mess."

Stomping footsteps, followed by the door slamming shut. Great.

There was a fight over me.

"You can open your eyes now."

Joon took my hand. I knew it was his because it felt so wrong.

Wrong shape, wrong temperature, wrong size, and instead of calming the thing inside me, it had it on alert.

My fucking wolf. Thanks, Dad.

"Jungkook," I whispered.

"I'm here." He took my other hand. Better. So much better.

"Can you open those gorgeous eyes for me?"

I opened them, and the bright light had me shutting them again.

"Sorry," Joon apologized and dropped my hand, thank goddess. "Light's off."

I opened my eyes again, and this time I didn't feel like I was staring at the sun.

"Help me sit and then tell me what happened." He helped me up and I turned around, dangling my legs off the side of the exam table they must have laid me on when I...what?

Passed out?

"Did the tea do this?" I pointed to my body, gesturing from head to toe and back again.

"No, omega, I'm the one who did that." Jungkook's hand went to my middle.

"Although, you were there, too."

"Pregnancy makes people black out? Because if so, they should let omegas know that in sex ed so they can be prepared."

Namjoon burst out in laughter.

"Not helping," Jungkook spoke firmly, and the man stopped.

"You passed out from a combination of things, but I think they can all be best summed up as shock."

He walked to a cabinet and pulled out a bunch of nasty-looking dried weeds and crumbled them into a bag.

I had a sinking feeling that was some how going to be some concoction for me. Yuck.

"And the asshat?" I looked to jungkook.

"That was Jiwoo, and he's not an asshat. He is my beta and brother, and will be alpha if I fuck things up."

"And I'm the fuck up in his opinion?"

Ow, that stung, but I got it.

If wolves were into the hierarchy bullshit like I'd read in my mom's papers, they were all about rules and expectations, and I didn't align with any of them based on what little I'd overheard.

"He is wrong." Joon handed me the bag.

Why couldn't I have been wrong on that one?

"Fate doesn't choose incorrectly. You are his, and he is yours, and nothing in this life can change that."

"I never said yes," I reminded them both.

I was not a wolf, and this was not my place in this world. I was a human, or mostly human, and I liked my own ability to decide things.

Fate taking away that ability was not something I was okay with.

"And you have the ability to choose. It's just, for me, there is no one else. Never will be. It is what it is."

And said like that, I felt like a thousand-pound anchor strapped around his neck.

"So, if I ruin your chance as alpha?"

Which, from what little I knew, meant big boss of everyone.

Not a job that held a lot of appeal if you asked me.

But then again, I wasn't a wolf.

"Then I was not meant to be alpha."

So matter of fact.

He climbed onto the exam tabled and settled next to me, our thighs touching and I leaned my head on his shoulder out of instinct.

What was that all about?

"And what if our baby is a cat or a bear or something?"

Our baby.

That made it sound realer somehow, and, given that I had yet to take an actual pee test, I wasn't altogether sure it was accurate.

Except it is—I can feel it.

"Your baby cannot be a cat." namjoon rolled his eyes at me.

"Nor a bear. You're a wolf, jungkook's a wolf, your baby is a wolf."

"You don't have to be so condescending."

Jungkook glared at Joon, and it made my stomach do a little flip at him coming to my defense like that.

"And even if our baby were a cat...who cares? Kittens are adorable."

He wasn't wrong.

"So, what am I supposed to do for my baby? I mean, do I need to eat lots of meat or something? Please don't say the baby needs me to eat raw meat."

I scrunched up my nose.

"Drink this tea each morning and your stomach should be fine, and eat what baby asks for. It's no different from a human pregnancy."

"Except claws." Could my insides be clawed insides?

"When a wolf is old enough to shift, yes. But not for years,"he reassured.

"Thank you." I hopped off the table, grateful my legs were solid.

"I think I'm going to go home now and process all of this."

And eat. There would definitely be eating.

"I would like to come with you."

Jungkook got off the table and stood by my side.

"It sounds to me like you have shit here to work on. Bye, guys."

I walked out and straight to my car, not shedding one tear until I hit the main road and then I shed a lot of them.

I was going to be a dad and have a shifter's baby, just like my mom had.

Please let me be stronger than her.


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