Chapter 264

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Aecha's P.O.V.
No kidding Namjoon told me to call for help with the crib. I couldn't do this alone. "Thanks for helping."

He smiled. "No problem."

Hobi went to see other friends and promised he'd come back with groceries as well. "It's of very good quality, safe and very pretty. You made a better choice than I would."

He rolled his eyes. "Oh please, I have no merit. I bought 800$ baby shoes for myself because they were cute."

Oh my gosh! "Please tell me that's not what you guys did."

His smile reassured me. "We collectively agreed not to give you a heart attack. The car seat is the best they could get a the baby store in Lotte world shopping centre."

I had to hide my laughter. "I can't imagine you guys at the shop trying to be reasonable."

"Wait a sec. Just give me this piece." I did. He continued. "I know right? They went a bit overboard on quantity, but what can I say? It's their money. It's the first kid in Bangtan too. Hyung is the happiest we've seen him." He seemed to remember something. "Funny enough, I think I'm the one that did a bit much."

I nudged his shoulder. "Hoseok kept talking about it when we came back. He said he can't pay you back for the gesture."

He shyed up. "I don't want him to. I felt he deserved the ride a little. Also, I'm very much excited. I don't say it to you a lot, but that kid won't be lacking love and attention." He laughed out loud. "We're probably gonna fight to babysit."

The crib finally up and set, we went to the kitchen for some water and a snack. "Who knows, maybe I'll let you watch them first." It wasn't a maybe. Jk'd see them all the time. I'd see Joke, Jin and Yoongi more often out of work than I used to see Joon.

His eyes went wide. "You're serious?"

I nodded. "Why not? I've seen you with kids before. You're calm with them. You also know how to entertain them. I'd be happy to have you watch them here first if you'd feel better."

His hug was a gentle one. "I'd love that."

I got kimchi out of the fridge. "Kimchijeon fine with you?"

"Of course. We can order something too." He proposed.

I took my phone out. "We could! Let me check what we could have. I'm paying tho."

He put his hands up. "Not gonna argue with you on that. Have to let you pay from time to time so you don't get upset."

That man understood! "Exactly!" I handed him my phone. "You pick."
Hoseok's P.O.V.
I tried not to arrive too late with groceries. It was about 10pm when I crossed the door. "Hey, Angel-" I guess I was late. The TV was on. Ash was laying on the couch, her feet resting on the thighs if the one who helped her during the day. "At least you guys ate." I deduced it from the food containers. I covered them with a blanket each and went on to put the groceries away. I guess I could do some organising of the stuff we got.
"You two did good work! When I went to put things away, more than half was stored or placed somewhere." I pointed at.

After a sip of coffee. "Yeah! Ash and I didn't want to be surrounded by stuff while we put the bed together."

"While I'm thinking about that.." My girlfriend started. She turned to our friend. "What did you do while we were away?"

"Oh." He answered. "I worked on the songs I don't need MV's for. Also did the list of material for the music videos. Saw friends too." Ash gave him a look. "Yeeeees, I went on dates too. You're so noisy."

She loved to hear about their love lives. "Is there any evolution?"

He was flushing. "She's sleeping over often now."

She analysed his expression. "How many weeks has she been at your place without leaving?"

He gave it up. "Three. Why are you so good at this?!"

Her laughter was splendid. "I have no merit.We have a message group your girlfriends and Eoje. We keep eachother updated."

He couldn't hide a thing. "So you know she'll bring her stuff over to my place tomorrow."

Whaaaat? "She is? Good for you!"

Ash's smile grew. I had to mention it. "What's up?"

"I know something you guys don't and I love it!"

I wanna know now! So bad!

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