Chapter 249

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Hobi's P.O.V.
"Damn, you really were hungry!" I laughed seeing my girl eating some leftovers from the vlive.

She covered her mouth. "I told you! I didn't get to eat at the after party because some artists came to talk to me. I got swept away."

No kidding. People were surprised. However, what surprised me the most was her attitude. "You were glowing tonight."

Her smile lit up the room. "It's the dress, really. I gotta say, it's getting heavy!" She said pulling the sparkling pink gown by the straps.

I choked on my saliva chuckling. "Not just the outfit."

She shared my laughter. "I know what you meant. I mean... In America, do as Americans do? Saying it was my work lifted a weight off and everything felt so right."

Her dreams were coming true. It was beautiful to see them unveil. "I hope I'll see more of that."

A strong nod. "You will!" She took a pause, looked at me. "I know you have something else to say." She gently caressed my thigh. "You wanna mention that talk with Ericka huh?"

Am I that easy to read? "Are you a detective or something?"

She smiled fondly at the selfie she and her took with Halsey after the performance. "It was what she needed to hear. Compassion isn't how we train trainees in Seoul, but it is how it works here. Sharing how I felt as well made me feel better too. Maybe it's a thing I should introduce back home?"

I hugged her side and kissed her cheek. "Wouldn't be a bad idea."

Aecha's P.O.V.
Would he want to? My mind slipped somewhere else, thinking of his performance and laid back attitude. He let me do my thing without watching too close and I found that... Hot? I don't know how to explain it. "You're very much into keeping your hand on my thigh tonight." It was far from night now. Probably early morning.

"Hmm?" What? I glanced down. My hand was still feeling his quads. I released my hold. "Oups, sorry."

His low chuckle was sweet to hear. "Sorry, not sorry?"

I shared it. "Basically."

He got up, stripping himself of his jacket. "Well, look at that. Who are you and what have you done with my wife?"

I cracked up, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Oh, well... You knew Aecha Emilie L'Écuyer, not Aecha Emilie Jung L'Écuyer."

His lips entered in contact with mine softly and warmly. "I love the upgrade."

I funneled with the buttons of his shirt. "Want to get another taste of that upgrade?"

His grin became devilish. My heart melted. "You won't see me decline that offer." His lips trailed down my neck. "Kindly proposed like that, I can't refuse."

Ah.. That felt so good. I was dazed. Maybe I did not want to do it after our reception, but my opinion had, now, changed. "Help me undo that dress and I'll take you some place nice."
Didn't need to plead. Of course, he took his sweet f*cking time and talked.. So much. His hands travelled everywhere on my body and his kisses were breathtaking. I loved it, don't get me wrong. I mean, it's flattering to know what I did to turn him on, but just keep your mouth shut for a second! Once naked, on top of him, I had enough. Between exchanges I put my hand on his chest, leaving a distance between our faces. "Hoseok, sweety, shut up."

His eyes went wide, in a good way. "Oh. Sorry, babygirl."

I buried my face in his neck leaving pecks on it. His pulse was strong, frenetic almost. "Don't apologize. Just let me do my thing." I slightly pulled back. "Only words allowed are my name and swearing."

He pulled me back for a kiss. "Got it." We were goners.
Gosh, what was wrong with me tonight!

Hoseok's P.O.V.
I had to mark that on the calendar. Taking my phone out, I saw a text from Yoongi hyung. If you're not answering by 11am, I'm coming to wake you guys up. Oh sh*t. No, he's not. I called him, Ash still sleeping on my chest. I pulled the covers over her shoulders. "Hey, hyung?"

His tone was as soft as mine, understanding someone was still asleep. "We have an interview in 3 hours, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah. I know. I'll get ready, no worries." I promised, caressing my wife's very... Very long hair. Maybe that needs a cut, baby.

He sighed on the other end. "You'll have to get Aecha too. I know we didn't sleep much, but Halsey wants her to be at an interview with her about the same time as us."

What? That's amazing! "I'm sure she'll wake up for that. Thanks hyung." The call ended.

A tiny groan. "Wake up for what?"

Ahhh she was so pretty waking up! Yes, hair a mess, sleepy-eyed and confused was pretty, okay? "Halsey is picking you up for an interview later. You gotta get up."

Her hair almost slapped me in the face. "Really? I gotta pick an outfit!" She sprung out of bed to get dressed.

I laughed. She had so much energy. Was it the American air? "That hair of yours is turning into a weapon!"

She chuckled tying her bra. "Yeah, sorry. I know. I'll get that cut before we leave." She starred at her suitcase. "What the hell should I wear?"

I shrugged. She was always beautiful to me. "Text Hals, maybe you could match or something."

She turned to me, finger pointing in my direction. "Smart man." She searched for her phone. "I knew I married well."

I handed it to her. "Surely hope so. You had more than 4 years to try the merchandise."


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