Chapter 259

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Hoseok's P.O.V.
"I thought you said no work on vacation." My sleepyhead mumbled, her head on my shoulder. "What are you doing on your PC at 9am?"

I answered focused on my document. "I had a flash for my mixtape so.. I figured I'd write it before I forget."

She couldn't argue with me. "What's the idea?"

I smiled closing the computer. "You'll see."

She frowned. "You're coming back at me aren't you?"

My grin got bigger. "I don't know what you're talking about."

She slapped my arm. "You little -... Thank whoever you believe in that I love you." Trust me, I do.

"Ash." She hummed. "We talked about when this would slow down and end right?"


"All of the shows and tours and always being together." I clarified.

"What about it?"

"Do you think it'll be heart wenching or it'll feel right and we'll be at peace with it?" I was thinking about it and I know only this since I'm 15. Maybe it'd be nice to spend time apart a little longer like this.

She snuggled up and took my hand. "When that time comes, I think you guys will feel it's the right choice. It'll hurt, but it'd be to be better together when you end up doing things together. I'm not in your minds, but what I know is that the best is yet to come."

She was radiating happiness and hope into my chest. "Your actual name should have been Hope."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh please, Mister dream, hope, keep going. We still have one museum to go to before our next flight."

I say it a lot, I'll say it again.. My heart chose right. I married right.

Aecha's P.O.V.
To: Joon
Are you guys taking a break soon?

From: Joon
Ash, it's midnight here. What is that about?

To: Joon
I'm aware. I'm sorry, but.. are you?

From: Joon
Not this year at least. Why?

To: Joon
So you ARE planning on it in two years or so. Planned on telling me?

From: Joon
You had to know it was coming.

To: Joon
Just would've liked a memo or something.. Thanks. Say hi to the boys for me. Goodnight.

They were gonna take a break soon. That's why they wanna release their next songs soon. Hobi is planning for an album, they write more solo songs. It was inevitable. I wish I could say I wasn't worried for what came next.

"Stomach fine?" My husband checked on me. We'd be in Tokyo in a couple of hours.

"Yeah, it's fine." It was feeling tied for another reason. Should I stress it? You know what? I should. "What's the date?"

He was so confused. "What date?"

"When you'll each go your own way for a while." I opened my calendar app. "I want to prepare."

"Did you text the guys?" It took one look at my face. "Of course you did. I'll tell you. Don't worry about it tho." Couldn't promise that. "June 13th 2022."

I tried to keep my volume down. "That's next year! You do realize we'll have a child and hopefully one on the way and the studio and our friends plan on-"

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