I quickly start separating her hair and braiding it. Sang hums lightly as I do and I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know she does it. "Are you excited trouble?" I question and I can see the grin that takes over face.

"Of course! I think the kids will love decorating. We have never been able to go all out but I know Cameron will enjoy it. And Lily will too. Even if she doesn't remember. I read somewhere that babies respond to light and sound because those are their strongest senses right now. She isn't a baby anymore of course but I think it might still be true. Maybe Sean would known. I think that would be a great stimulation for her mind though. What do you think?" Sang is out of breath by the time she is done and smiling wider than I thought was possible.

"That would be a question for Sean but I think it would make sense. Are you excited for the play tonight?" I ask her and Sang nods.

"Of course! I think since it's close to Christmas it will be Christmas themed. Cam is so excited." Her smile dims and I raise an eyebrow at her. "Having everyone be there will be the best thing in the world. He will love having so many people there for him alone. I think he will want mom though. Cam always wants her at special events like that. I understand that. Especially because he doesn't always see the 'bad' in her."

It makes sense. Sang is right. The kids have always been protected from the bad side of her mother. "You're right. I also think that Cameron will never forget her, or stop missing her necessarily. The person she could have been I mean. Growing up though he will have support, love, and a home full of happiness. I think he will be okay trouble." I assure her and she leans back against me as I tie off the end of the second braid.

Her head tilts back and she smiles. "I am so glad I attacked those guys and you forced me to go see Sean."

My shoulders shake and I laugh until tears well in my eyes. "Trouble we would of found you either way, and I hate the fact you got hurt. But damn, I'm so fucking glad I forced you to go see Sean. Besides I got to spend time with you." I look down into her eyes.

Sang let's out a long breath and melts into my arms, still with her head tipped back towards me. I look into her eyes and lean down to kiss her forehead. Her eyes close. Then, her nose. I lean slightly farther down and kiss her on the lips. It's only one kiss but it's deep and I feel everything. Then I work my way back up. I kiss her nose, then her forehead, and back into my original position. Sang stands up and turns to face me, then wraps her arms around me. "Thank you. My hair looks beautiful." She tells me and I hold her tight.

"Are you almost done Gabe?" Kota hollers through the door and I roll my eyes but release Sang and open the door.

"Yes Kota. I just need to get her clothes set out." I inform him and he glances to Sang and nods his head.

"Your hair looks very pretty sweetie" Kota compliments and Sang's face turns red as she thanks him.

Then Kota leaves and I turn to Sang. "You will probably want to wear a dress tonight so I think something simple today will do. How about these ripped jeans, a white sweater and white shoes?" I ask and Sang takes the clothes with zero argument.

I leave the room so she can get dressed and walk back to find that all the other guys have gotten their asses ready. Thank god. I simply don't have enough patience to get everyone ready. Too much for one man to handle.
Sang's POV:
I get dressed in the outfit that Gabe demanded I wear. Was he dramatic about it? Yes. Am I going to complain? No.

I make my way out into the living room where all the guys are waiting. I really didn't think I took that long but ever since Gabe has been in charge of getting me ready, I take a lot longer. "Ready to go Peanut?" Nathan asks and I nod my head.

Finding My Permanent FamilyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang