15. Nothing but the Truth

Start from the beginning

"What is Dohwa planning?" Baekhyun's abyss eyes looked dead into mine, holding me under a trance.

"To use your club as a way to smuggle drugs in. He planned to have his actually daughter be your wife, so she can monitor and bring it in. More business for him and your club that somehow never has any police sniffing around."

"I saw the way he grabbed your arm and how uncomfortable you were to be standing near him. I said I'd agree to the arrangement only if you were apart of the deal." Baekhyun's eyes started to fall soft and the stars started to shine in them, very dimly.

"He only wanted Siwoo to play the oblivious wife, have comfort with knowing they were untouchable." I completely forgot Sehun and Chanyeol were in the room until Sehun cleared his throat.

"So the girl we met two years ago was the real you and you never had any intention of betray us?" The male asks.

"I never wanted to lie and break any of your trust. I felt sick to my stomach every time I had to." I explain to the people I've grown so close to.

"I'm sorry, for ever doubting you and thinking you were the villain. I just couldn't comprehend that you'd be someone else." The youngest runs his fingers through his hair, tugging on the ends in slight frustration. 

"It's okay Sehun, but I am the villain – in most stories at least." I was glad I was finally telling them everything, no more secrets and no more lying. I care about these idiots and nothing is going to change that.

"Not in our story, Chae." Chanyeol comforts from beside me.

"Oh that reminds me, I overheard Dohwa and some Mr. park talking when I went to visit my mother. Dohwa has been mixing two of his well known drugs together, making some super high. He plans to run it through the club soon, I don't know how yet."

"Visiting your mother?" Baekhyun questions.

"She in her own wing at the Lee Estate. I told Dohwa that I would participate in his scheme if I could see her whenever."

"Anything else you can remember?" His eyebrows furrowed together.

"Oh! Mark, Taeyong and Ten where beating some guy in an alleyway one night and he worked for 'Shinee Finance', said that the owner of 'Shinee Finance' and Dohwa are close."

"You want to save your mother?" That was very random but okay...

"Of course I do." I answered Baekhyun's question with the same energy as him.

"Work with us, not just as my further wife but as a member of 'Exo', bring your step father and his drug ring down and we will also help your mother."


The cold wind nipped at my skin through my denim jacket, making me wish I added more layers before jumping out my window and escaping into the night. The harshness of the wind was grabbing and pulling loose hair from my ponytail and whipping it around my face, creating tiny stings as it hit my skin.


Ten and I had been planning this for months and were finally leaving this hell hole, together. However, he's late by an hour already, where the hell is he?

Ten managed to grab my heart and squeeze it so hard, I felt like it was going to burst. He listened and never asked questions. Something had been off these past two weeks, he's been so standoff-ish and very quiet, like he's avoiding me.

He's coming, isn't he?

Scuffling and footsteps pulled me from my negative thoughts. "Where the hell have you been? Its been-" my blood ran thin, my heart was caught in my throat causing my airway to close up.

"Well, well, well...If it isn't the Beautiful but very sneaky and ungrateful Chaeyeong." Lee Dohwa , the man I was trying my hardest to escape from was standing right in front of me. Ten cowered behind him.

"You ratted me out? YOU COWARD!" I yelled to Ten as he avoid my eyes.

"No, he's not coward my dear. He just knows where his priorities lie unlike you, ungrateful bitch." Dohwa released his crossed arms and took a step towards me. "I've given you a home, a family and even a job yet here you are still disappointing me."

"You're nothing but a money hungry abomination, Dohwa." The tears started to fall from my eyes and the betrayal hit my heart like an arrow straight though a target.

"You're the abomination, Chaeyeong. Even after the incident with your father, that YOU caused, you still treat me like this. I think its time I teach you a lesson." With a click of his fingers my mother was brought into the abandoned warehouse, hands bind behind her back and cloth shoved in her mouth.

"No nO NO! DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER!" I screamed as my throated started to sting.

He then took the long knife of a box cutter, grabbed fist full of hair as she fell to her knees. Snot and tears soaked her face, the knifed dug into her skin just below her jaw, drawing a drip of blood.

My heart felt as if it had stopped beating, like I had died and was living in an endless nightmare, I wanted to run and help but my feet wouldn't move.

Her vigorous movement caused the cloth to slip and fall out of her mouth, "RUN!" The voice sounded like splitting wood as she screamed at me.

Within seconds the box cutter was dragged upwards, the skin peeled back as blood gushed from her open wound, her screams sounding like gurgling blood.

My legs reacted to her words and I ran. So so far until they gave out miles away.

I did this, I'm a horrible person.

My throat horse as I let out a distraught scream, letting the tears flow down my face.

"Hey, hey, hey." Warm calloused hands wrapped around my face. "I'm right here, Bambi. I'm not going to hurt you baby." Baekhyun's hot breathe fanned my tears stained face as he rested his forehead against mine.

My hands instantly found his arms, gripping so hard I felt like my nails drew blood. All I could feel and hear was my pounding heartbeat in my ears. "Listen to my voice Chaeyeong, follow my voice and come back to me."

The pounding started to fade and dim down as my tears also started to slow. Baek pulled away slightly and started to rub circles on my temples, the sensation completely shutting down my brain and restarted my senses.

"Thank you." I whispered out to my future husband.

"Come here." He let go of me only to hook my legs and carry my bridal style down to his room, my grip tight on the plain white shirt that he had on.

He laid me down on his cool silky sheets, sliding in right next to me, pulling the sheets up to my chin. "Sleep, we have a big day tomorrow. It's your official meeting as one of us." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.

"Thank you for everything, for getting me out of there and taking me in. I owe you everything." A lone tear escaped from my eye, dampening his shirt.

"Oh yeah, that's a given." A low husky chuckle escaped from his perfect lips and resonated in his chest. "You don't owe me anything Bambi, I did this because I wanted to."

I snuggled into his warm chest further, letting a smile tug on my own lips as my heart fluttered the slightest bit. Within a few minutes I managed to drift into a peaceful slumber with my ear rested against his chests, his steady breathing being the perfect white noise.

Thank you.

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