A new begining and a tragic ending

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Sleeping in the darkness of her cell she hears a clatter, jumping from the clatter she opens her eyes to see a bright light. Which soonforms into.... Aliana.

"What are you doing here?" She asked the bright lady before her who just smiles slightly.

"I'm here to save you." She says and Kailyen cocks her head obviously confused. "You've been through so much. And now it is time."

"For what?"

"To stop this bad man for good. You need to listen to me very closely." She says and Kaikyen nods waiitng for what she is about to say. "In order to save your world, stop The Inquitious, and save yourself. You need to use this spell."

She puts a piece of paper in her face and Kaikyen reads it nodding. Than Aliana touches Kailyen cheek in reassurance.

"Are you ready and prepared for this?" She asked Kailyen who looks down from her gaze. Is she ready? Or is she to scarred to do this? She doesn't really know if she is. "Just remeber if your not than your world will die along with you."

No pressure at all, she has to do this. She has to scarifce herself to stop this all so her world won't end.

"I am ready to sacrifice myself." She says and Aliana nods than she dissapears in a flash of light leaving Kailyen in her cell. She can't believe she's doing this but she has to.....because the darkness will pay for all it's done in her world.
Ayden opens up the cell and Kailyen looks up at him with narrow eyes. Than Ayden grabs Kailyen tugging on the chains which cause her wrist to burn. Than he pushes her put if the cell and to The Inquitious again who stands in hus circle with a book.

"It is time." He says darkly and Ayden pushes her inside the circle that lights up purple once she steps in around her. and The Inqutious half turns red. "Your ready to see your world die?"

"No not really, are you ready to fie with it?" She asked sarcastically and The Inqutious yellow eyes glow. Than he snaps his fingers and Kailyen's cuffs fall off but her whole body becomes frozen.

"Ayden I'm gonna need your assistance." His master says and he nods stepping also into the circke causing his part to go green. "You will lift her and I will do the spell but first we need to sage her."

"Sage me? What do you need to do make sure demons don't get me?" She asked him and The Inquitious glares at her making her eyes cower down a little from his gaze.

"Actually yes I do." He says as he goes to get it than he lights it and she closes her eyes as the fumes go on her. She does not like the smell of that. "Now time for the spell."

Ayden nods than uses his magic on Kailyen and she starts to float in the air. Then The Inquitious puts some stones in there are Amythest, Emerald, and Garnet glow brightly once in the circle than they start to lift in the air and float.

"Darkness i call upon you to take her light from her. let my magic and her maguc combine together so this world....will die." The Inquitious says and Kailyen gasp out loud in pain as her whole body feels like it's on fire.

Ayden has wide eyes as he sees Kailyen scream loudly and his ears starting to ring from her cries.

The inqutious smikes widely as her piwer leaves her body and goes into him and he groans as the transfer of powers starts.

She has to do the spell.....but everything is painful right now. It's so hard to concertrate that she can't even say the spell. Wincing in pain she screams out again. As more of her power starts to leave her she starts to feel like shes fading. And her soul starts to leave her along the way.

She has to do it she has to say the spell now before it's to late. And before her whole world dies. She can't let this happen, she has to fight, she has to conquer all this. And soon it will be over for her.

"La lumière doit vaincre les ténèbres pour fais que mon pouvoir aide mon monde. laissez-moi sacrifier. laisse ma lumière briller à travers moi. (The light must overcome the darkness for my power to help my world. let me sacrifice. let my light shine through me.)" She yells out as her powers now start to go back into her.

"No, stop!" The Inquitous yells out and groans and her powers fade from his body causing him to be droopy. "Ayden do something!"

Ayden tries to push Kailyen so the transfer will stop but his powers have stopped working. Looking at his master he has wide eyes, his master is fading.....slowly. And bis master screaming out just like Kailyen.

"Master!" He yells out and tries to move but Kailyen powers stop him from moving. Ayden just stands there watching his master and best friend dissapear right in front of his eyes.

Kailyen screams out in pain as her powers transfer back into her and make her glow brightly almost like the sun. She closes her eyes and waits for all of this to be over. She wishes all of this would just end....her magic.....the darkness.....her life.

"Kailyen! Master! I.....don't......" Ayden trails than all of a sudden a huge explosions happens causing him to be knocked back and crash unto the rock walls and the whole cave to shake.
Opening his eyes slowly he groans in pain standing up slowly. A few rocks fall in the cave and he sees the whole place is a disaster now. But not only that he reliazes both his master and Kailyen are gone. They just......dissapeared.......there both gone. Eveeyone he knows is gone. And he is now alone.......for who knows how long.

He's messed up......he's finally accepted it that he's messed up. What is he going to do now with himself? Going down on his knees he puts his hands in his head crying. He's really messed up.....and now he just sits there in his sorrow. And now..........it's to late.....he should of listens to her but now....he's best friend is gone forever.
Is Kailyen really gone? Depends on your point of view. Yes she sacrificed herself but.....that doesn't mean she's gone forever.

No she's still alive but Ayden doesn't know that. And possibly never will. She is actually in her fantasy....a.k.a Noah's home. It's the only place she could think of other than earth.

Opening her eyes she gasp out as the cool breeze hits her face.
A/n: That's the end of my story, I hope you all enjoyed my story. And thank you so much for all your support on it. And even though this is the end I would still appreciate it if you vote for it even though it's finished. Again I want to thank everyone who read, voted and commented on it. Book two should be out pretty soon but I'll let you all know when. Happy reading everyone!

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