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"What are you talking about?" Kailyen asked the old man who holds his temples in frustration.

"Come inside." He tells her and she does than he pushes her towards the living room where he closes the curtains to make it dark.

"Sir what is going on? What evil?" She asked again as he starts pacing the room.

"You know what is going on. You have woken up The Iniquitous and possibly his apprentice." The old man tells her and she looks down still confused until she reliazes what Aliana said. The Iniquitous is dark energy and will come for you once you harness your power.

"He's woken up, and he's coming for me." She says and the old man nods still pacing the dark room. "How do we stop him?"

"You can't, no one has.....well except for me but I don't have that kind of power anymore." He says walking to the library and she follows after him.

"What do you mean by you? You have power just as me?" She asked and he turns to her signing again.

"Yes just like you a thousand years ago I had your power. The Iniquitous was after my power he was created because of me. This power is nothing but bad luck it ruined my life. So I locked it away in that spell book and the Iniquitous and his apprentice soon after fell asleep. I had many encounters with him just as you. His yellow eyes still give me nightmares. Never heard from them ever since......until you stole the damn book and opened it." The old man accuses her and she rolls her eyes. Sat astically.

"Well than why did you just leave it randomly on that table? Your not very good at hiding it if you didn't want people to find it." She tells him and he looks down in his tracks and goes to the table where the book was.

"What do you mean I left it in that bookcase over there behind that wall?" He asled and she tilts her head to the side obviously confused.

"No no, it was right there when it was calling to me." She answers and he holds his temples again in frustration.

"Oh no, no, no." He says walking back and forth again. "The energy is more powerful that I thought. It's almost like fate that you were auppose to become the enchanted one....just as I was." He says and she sits down at the table.

"What if I am suppose to? Maybe my fate is to have this power." She tells him and he shakes his head.

"No one is suppose to have this power. It's bad luck from the start. Nothing good comes with this power." He tells her and she nods.

"What's so bad about it?" He asked her and he startes at her after awhile until he walks closer to her face and she leans away a little as he does.

"Once you have this power, he comes for it, oncehe takes this power the user dies because the energy is not apart of them anymore. Once you have this power a whole bunch of.....what do you kids call them these days?" He asked and Kailyen shruggs. "Mythical creatures that's it.....they work for The Iniquitous and try to lead you to him. Because The Iniquitous cannot leave his cave unless he harnesses your power."

"So i make sure he doesn't." She says confidently but the old man shakes his head.

"You cannot stop the corruption that has already started." He says and she looks down in fear.

"His apprentice on the other hand can go wherever needed. And serve him by whatever need neccessary." The old man tells her.

"Can I stop him?" She asked and the old man shakes his head.

"You cannot stop him or his master there is no way to stop the monsters, the evil, or the shadows. Those yellow eyes will haunt you for the rest of your life even when your dead they will still be there." The old man says and Kailyen puts her lips in a thin line.

"Right okay, well I appreciate your help but I should go." She says and the old man scurries over to the door locking it once Kailyen stands up. "What are you doing?"

"You cannot leave, once you leave your whole fate will turn upside down and the darkness will consume you. There's no escape Kailyen Akridge." The man tells her and she sits back down putting her hands in her head in frustration.
Noah opens his eyes finally connecting to Kailyen making his yellow eyes glow almoat like a lightbulb.

Groaning from the pain in her head Kailyen stands up wincing once she does.

"What wrong?" He asked her as she holds her head in pain. Than she falls on the ground shaking as she rolls her eyes in the back of her head. "Kailyen!"

Noah breaths heavy as he starts to see what Kailyen sees. A room, the library, and a man wait......he smiles as he recongnized the old man.

Still shaking Kailyen arches her back as pain starts to form all over her body. The old man tries to hold her down as she continues to scream and shake.

Than Noah turns away from the connection and goes over to his master who stands there patiently.
"Well?" His master asked and he smiles almost like the Iniquitous does.

"I connected to her and now know where she is and there was also a old man with her. And this man was the old Enchanted One. The first one that trapped us and made us sleep all these years." The apprentice explains and his master nods.

"Go to them both defeat the man and get her hair than come back here and help brew the potion." He says and Noah nods bowing than he makes a portal to go to Kailyen and the old man.
Kailyen sits there out of breath as she stopped shaking suddenly. Closing her eyes she feels pain in her head just like she did when the apprentice was in her bedroom.

"Are you alright?" The old man asked obviously worried.

"Yeah I am just in a lot of pain right now." She answers and he nods helping her sit up but not stand quite yet.

"Does this happen regularly?" He asked het and she looks at him than down signing.

"It happens when the apprentice tries to go into my mind. My whole body is on fire and I just feel like I can't move as this pain goes everywhere." She tells him and the old man nods.

"He's connected to you, he's trying to get into your mind so he can know where you are. We have to do a spell to try and block him so he won't go into your mind anymore." The old man tells her as he helps her stand up. Than he goes over to the bookcase to grab another book and he opens it to fund the spell.

Walking over to the old man Kailyen all of a sudden shivers as the cold air hits her spine. She turns towards the doorway and she sees yellow eyes staring right into the hallway. Having the look of fear on her face the Apprentice steps out of the shadows smirking widely while looking at her and the old man

"Enchanted ones.......we meet again." Noah says chuckling darkly as both her and the old man glare at him.
A/n: so guys what did you think? Kind of a plot twist with the old man a little bit. Explains why he had the book though.

Questions: What is your favorite chapter so far? Anything I should change about this story? Let me know in the comments I'm up for any feedback. I would also appreciate it if you voted. Thank you so much for reading!

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