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Kailyen sits there wanting to just cry. She is lost....how is she going to stop The Iniquitous now? She asked herself and Ayden than sits next to her and hugs her from the side.

"I don't know what to do." She says worriedly and he nod continuing to hug her as she cries in her hands. "I need that spell book or I can't stop them."

"So let's get it back."  he says and she shakes her head looking at him.

"We can't."

"What why?" He asled and she stands up starting to pace around the room.

"Because, I stopped my connection with Noah remember?" She asked and he nods. Without the connections she doesn't know where he is are where his master is. Heck she wouldn't even know if he's here right now.
"Master we got what you requested." Serena says and The Iniquitous smiles taking the book from her grasp.

"Well done, both of you. Way better than my Apprentice." The Iniquitous says and he glares at Noah who looks down from his gaze as he stands there by his master. "Apprentice call the werewolf."

"Yes master." Noah says walking away than he goes to where the werewolf is in the cave. "The master needs you."

The werewolf looks up in the darkness than he steps out of the shadows as he is in his human form until the full moon.

"Is it somethijg important this time?" He asked and Noah rolls his eyes at the werewolf.

"Yes of course, now c'mon lets go." Noah says walking out and back towards his master.

"You called me your darkness." The werewolf asked and The Iniquitous nods smiling.

"Yes I need you to go and get Kailyen for me finally bring her here so I can finally get her powers. Without her spell book she won't be as powerful so you shouldn't have any issues." The master says and the werewolf nods rjnning out if the cave to go find her.

"Don't underestimate her." Noah says suddenly and The Iniquitous growls at him oncehe speaks than he slaps Noah hard makimg him groan in pain.

"I wasn't talking to you you prick." His masyer yells in hia face bjt Noah keeps a straight face as they both glare into each other's souls. "You failed me remember?"

He nods his head than his master goes over to his desk to grab his gemstone in other words his life. If his master does throws it and it breaks he will die. It's almost like voodoo doll but not as creepy.

"I should just smash this now and find a new apprentice." His master says and Noah looks up with fearful eyes. Than he goes on his knees in front of his master.

"No master I beg you please forgive me. I didn't mean to fail you. I tried....I tried please forgive me.....please!" Noah begs infront of his master who hims in dissapporbal. Than he sets the stone down. And makes Noah look up at him.

"I'll give you one more shot, you fail me like this again and I can promise you this stone will go into powder." He says and Noah nods than his master turns away from him sitting back down in his chair.
"Alright we have monsters after us. Your boyfriend now hates you." Ayden says and Kailyen glares at him.

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Eh...tomato.. tomato, and you don't know all your magic." He finsihes and she nods they are ina really tight pickle.
"Is there anything we can do to stop the monsters...anything at all?"

"No nothing." She says rubbing her temples again than she freezes and she looks down than over to the library. Of course there has to be sonwthing in there to help her. She runs into the library looking for a book of spells or a book of potions. No spells bjt she did find a potions book. Let's hope something is in here.

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