Prom and betrayal

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She transports to her school after she's gotten ready from prom. Walking through the doors she is instantly greeted by a whole bunch of people. She walks into the gym which is where the prom is being held. He told him that she would be here. But she doesn't see him. 

"Wow your alive." A voice says behind her and she turns to see Ayden. "I'm surprised." 

"Well I'm surprised that your surprised." She says and Ayden looks down sadly since he knows she is really upset at him for leaving her. 

"I'm sorry." 

She looks at him mouth agaped and shaking her head than she walks away from him not being able to talk to him once more. She can't deal with him right now. 

"I really am sorry Kailyen I didn't mean to abandoned you. Please forgive me." He says chasing after her but she ignores him. "This whole thing was misunderstanding I didn't want to leave you but I didn't want to die either. And I didn't want you to die to because I care about you." 

She stops in her tracks turning towards him with narrowed eyes. He looks back at her with tearful ones. She doesn't know wht to say to Say to him. 

"If you cared you wouldn't have left me there on my own. Do you know what I went through after you left? I had to sleep on the ground in the cold by myself, I had to walk forever, than I had to face a dragon, and a vampire." She says and Ayden nods than she is about to leave but he grabs her wrist. "You left me Ayden! You left me alone on my own! I don't know if I can ever forgive you. I don't know if we can be friends."

"That's not fair." 

"Life isn't fair.....and neither is leaving your best friend alone in a Forrest." She says and he loosens his grip on her than she walks away from him and bumps into someone. "I'm so sorry." 

"It's alright, Would you care to dance?" a familiar voice asked and she looks up to see Noah. "My lady?"

She smiles at him and takes his hand than he turns her as they start dancing. And oh my goodness he is a wonderful dancer. Back and forth, side to side, twirl after twirl. God he's just do perfect. 

After the music stops she laughs as he spins her one last time than he leads her to his chest and she stops smiling to look up at him. He has the same face as her the face of uncertainty. She is about to walk away but he stops her and holds her face instantly pressing his lips harshly to hers. She stands there unsure at first but then as he moves back and forth she starts to melt under his touch moving with him passionately. 

And for the first time ever she feels safe with him, bubbly even. And she's not even under his spell. He pulls away with his eyes closed still and same with her but soon after she opens her eyes to see him smiling his bright amazing smile. They stare into each other's eyes that are both filled with lust for each other. 

"No spells this time." He says and she nods and he smiles kissing her cheek which obviously makes her blush. And she hugs him tightly once he does. "Do you love me?" 

Does she love him?.....she's asked this question a billion times since she met him. And she's sure. She loves him.... she loves him and she wants to be with him. 

" love you and I want to be with you for as long as I can." She says and he smiles kissing her again and again over and over. 

"I'm so glad to hear that." He says and she laughs once he carries her and spins her in his arms than he sets her back down and smiles wildly. Finally she's accepted it. 


Ayden sees them and he clenches his fist in anger than he gets and iron ring out (Noah's weakness) and walks over to the both of them. Once he's over there he taps Noah's shoulder who lets go of Kailyen and he turns and Kailyen has wide eyes. Everything feels like it's in slow motion Noah turns.... Kailyen yells.... and Ayden punches Noah right in the cheek causing him to grunt and fall down to the ground. 

Enchanted OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora