The darkness will pay

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She sits there of there bodies crying after the events. She couldn't save them. She failed.....she's failed them and now........there gone forever.

"I told you Kailyen that if you didn't come in time than the consequences would be fatal." He tells her and she glares at him as he beams widely.

"I......i....." She tries to say but has a hard times as her tears start to take over some more.

"Go on Kailyen say it. I've been dying to hear it." He says tauntingly bjt she shakes her head. "What's stopping you? Is it because your still used to the old me? Your best friend.....that was suplise to be with you for the rest....."

"SHUT UP!!!!" She yells at him grabbing his shirt and pushing him against the wall. "Just shut up......for once! God......i hate you!"

He grins after she says that than she looks down from his gaze she's never said that to him ever before. Every since they've known each other.

Hearing a clank suddenly she looks up where her hands are and she sees he's put cuffs on her arms. Great probably no magic cuffs to.

"Looks like we've finally caught you." He says and she glares angirly at him. Than he makes her turn away so she can lead the way with his hand if course guiding her.
"Are we almost there?" She asked out of breath since they've been walking forever. He huffs out loud pushing her on her back which causes Kailyen to groan in pain.

She still hasn't recovered from the previous fight. So of course she's still a little sore. But all her life she's never wanted to show pain....not even to her parents.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked him but he ignores her. God he is so annoying right now. "Ignorance is one of the many poisons in this world."

"Really and how many poisions are there?" He asked and she stops suddenly which makes Ayden bump into her and his yellow eyes to flash brightly.

"Well there's a lot. Jealousy, Anger, War, Pollution, Violence,..... Betrayal." She says and he looks at her slightly than they start to keep walking. "So I'm gonna ask you again. Why are you doing this? Fame.......jealously, hate?"

"Love!" He yells loudly as the entire forrest shakes from his anger. He looks down signing than continhes to walk. "I loved you.....and you rejected me."

"Ayden if you really loved me....why didn't you show it sooner?" She asked but he just shakes his head as he hits her shoulder and goes in front of her. "It's because of jealously not just love. You saw me with Noah so much that you got jealous which lead to you being worried of losing me. You don't love me like he does, you love me like a friend.....not a lover. You may have a crush on me....but in reality you know that me and you will always be friends...... There's a difference between a crush and a true love. I hope you can remember that. And Noah was a true love for me but now.....he's gone and so is the one person who cared for me."

She says to him and he stops in his tracks and turns towards her as she looks at him angrily. He looks down and tries to grab her hand but she shakes her head and walks past him ignoring him now.
"Kailyen.......?" He tries but she ignores him not wanting to talk to him forever. Her friend is gone, her mother is gone, her father is gone, and her boyfriend is also gone. She has no one and most if it is because of him. "Please....listen."

"Why should I.....?" She turns towards him and faces him fully. His yellow eyes scaring her as they narrow into her amber ones. "I've said what I want to say to you and now....I'm done....I'm done talking to you. I'm done having to fight through every tough time that's happened to me. I'm done with this world."

"You can't just give up like this. The Kailyen I know wouldn't give up like this even with everything that happened." He says and she shakes her head pulls at the cuffs angrily.

"Yeah that was before what you did. Your a traitor to me and my enemy just like your master who can't even get out of a damn cave." She says which causes Ayden to growl and lean towards her face more but Kailyen holds her ground.

"Lets go."

She nods and he moves past her as they continue towards the cave.
Finally they make it and Kailyen freezes as the cave that beckons before her leaves her shaking. Fear starts to consume her as Ayden pushes her more into the cave maming Kailyen shudder.

"Jeez doesn't your master believe in light?" She asked sarcastically as they keep moving more into the cave. And even though she can't see Ayden she can still feel his sharp glare on her. Not reliazing they stop she accidentley bumps into him and he groans in anher from her action. How can he blame her when she can barely she her hand in front of her face.

He rolls his eyes than he waves his hand to u due a charm, as the cave lights up. Not fully since there are only a few torches but still you can get around without crashing into something.

Ayden then grabs Kailyen and pushes her towards a room....wait She knows tbis room. This is the room where she first....

"Connected to Noah?" A voice says behind a chair. She cocks her head to the side as The Inquitious just sits there. "Ayden bring her closer."

And of course he does exactly as his masters tells him. He pushes her more closer towards her death.....alright maybe she's being to dramatic but still.

"Wow." Is all The Inqutious says as she is now closer towards him. He looks at her with careful eyes scanni g her over and over. "You don't look like a trouble maker but you sure as hell can be. You long I've been waiting for this moment?"

"Hmm, let me guess.....a thousand years?" She says sarcastically and The Inquitous just chuckles and his laughter causes the whole cave to echo.

"Sarcastic I like it, what else do you got punk?" He asked and she glares at him and he smiles at her sitting more comfortably in his chair. "Sit down."

And a chair comes out of ghe shadows and hits her knees causung her to fall right into it. Than a table appears and tea also comes in ftont if her. Than The Iniqutious stands up as anither chair beckons for him to sit down.

"Sorry it's my tea time." He says pouting the pot of tea into the cup. "Would you like some?"

She shakes her head slightly and he shtuggs as he putts some tea and honey in his cup as well.

"So is this just one big joke or are we going to get straight to the point?" She asked and The Iniqutious smikes and he his bright yellow eyes glow.

"Joke? No,no, there is no rush since you kniw my plan has already been delayed for a month. So anyways you want to get starught to the point than we shall." He says snapping his do ger and she is instantley transported to a new room where she is tied up to the wall.

"So here's the point, your mine now Encha ted one so you better be ready because soon veey soon your powers will be mine and your precious world will be gone forever and you.....cannot stop me because after your powers are will be no more. So be ready......Kailyen Akridge because your world will fail......soon.....and my plan will finally be in motion." He says and she just glares at him as he is super close to her face afyer a while he pulls away smirking and walks away from her.

"You won't get away with this! I'll make sure to stop you for good. Because in the end i will be the last one to win ans you will soon be no more. I will stop you I promise you that Inquitious you will not win this battle." She tells as he continues to walk away but soon enough he stops in his tracks.

"This battle has only just begun. And I've already won.....long before you were born." He says walking away from her and shutting the door leaving her in the dark and sitting in sorrow. She looks down sadly not knowing at All how to help her world. And she hopes soon she can help it because right now....she just feels helpless.

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