An Old Friend

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Back in the cave the Iniquitous smirks as his apprentice tells him everything about Kailyen.

"So she lives on 1724 emerald way?" He asked and his apprentice nods. "Good, now lets get going with this potion. I need dragon claws, amythest, snake venom, dandelion, and a piece of her hair."

"Alright where do we get all this?" Noah asked and The Iniquitous rolls his eyes.

"Its not we, my apprentice it's you." He says and his apprentice tilts his head to the side but soon after he has wide eyes in fear.

"Oh no, no, no." He tells his master who's yellow eyes glare into his soul. "I won't do it and you can't make me."

He stands up to his master who towers over him in all his glory making Noah feel small as usual.

"Oh Noah, but I will make you.....why you ask? Because you are my apprentice you took a vow when you first came to me. You break it and the consequences will be.....well I think you get the idea don't you?"

Noah nods glaring at his master who smirks at him going back to his book.
Pain that is all Kailyen feels is pain in her head, sides, shoulders basically everywhere. Standing up well trying to she walks over to her bed exhausted.

Laying down she looks up at the cieling not knowing what to do about all this. Who is this guy that keeps on trying to get her power?

Sitting up she gets an idea. The old man he has to know about all this, maybe he Can tell her more about this guy.

Hearing a door slam she stands up instantley regrettimg it as her head whooses. Walking downstairs she is greeted by her mother.

"Hey honey how was school?" She asked and Kailyen walls past her grabbing the keys. "Everything okay?"

"Oh yeah sorry, me and Ayden are gling to hamg out for a couple of hours. Sorry forgot to tell you." She answers and her mother nods than walks over hugging her.

"Be home by five alright?"

"I will thanks mom." She says and her mother smiles as she walks out the door and to the car.

Than her mother gets a phone call.
Through the forrest she goes to the exact same spot where she parked her car than she walks her way on the trail for a while until she comes to.....well nothing just a empty space.

Where the heck is the cabin? She asked herself as she circles around to try and find the reason why it's not there. Retracing her steps she wonders if she took the wrong trail.

But that couldn't be because this is the only trail that lead to the cabin.....she swears by it. Still circling she looks down ans closes her eyes trying to really focus on what she did wrong and where the cabin went.
"I have the dandelion, the snake venom, and the dragon claws. But what I need from you is the hair. You need to connect to her again and get a strand of it. Do you understand?" The Iniquitous asked and his Apprentice nods nervously.

"Yes master I already know where she is." Noah says and his master smiles in the darkened cave. All of his plan us coming together.
Openimg her eyes and turning she crashes right into the cabins rail instantley knocking her down.

"Oh.....ow." She tells gerself as sge stands up and see the cabin in all it's glory. "That was wasn't here and now it's.......huh?"

Still confused she walks up to the cabin and knocks on the door. Waiting, praying that the old man is here to hopefully help her.

She hears the lock on tge door click and and the old man opens the door slightly just to see who it is. She smiles at him.

"Hi, name is Kailyen Akridge. I don't know if you remeber me but a couple of days ago I came here for gas and when I was here......" She starts to say but than the man closes the door. Standing there confused.

Knocking again on his door she stands there waiting for him to open it but so far nothing.

"I need your help!" She yells at him than he is on his balcony and she looks up at him.


"Because of this." She tells him holding up the book she stole. He looks down with wide eyes.

"Get that away from here I don't wamt to see it." He says and she puts it back than looks back up on him.

"Please, I'm begging you. I need your help. He keeps on coming for me." She explains and he looks at her suspiciously.

"Who keeps on coming?" He asked her and she looks down signing at him.

"I don't know his name but he has yellowish eyes and he says he's coming for me to.....take my powers." She tells him and the old man runs off the balcony instantley opening the door.

"You didn't open it did you?" He asked her worridely and she nods at him. "Oh crap that's........oh no this is not good I knew I should of made a locked strap or something."

"Why is this bad?" She asked him and he looks at him with wide eyes.

"Why?" He asked and she nods slightly. "Because you just unleashed a darkness that cannot be trapped again."
Teleporting the apprentice grabs the dragons claws and instantley it wakes up. With his yellow eyes he screams in terror as it growls and snkrts at him. Rushing to get a piece of it's claw.

He successfully gets it and the beast howls in pain once he does. Than Noah runs as fast as he can as the dragon chases him.

Fire here and fire there blast after blast. Sweat dripping off his forehead as he co tinues to run How is he going to get away?

Well the only way is to transport but he will have to do it fast so he doesn't die.

Stopoing in his tracks he closes his eyes and holds his hand out to make a portal.

"dans une mauvaise situation comme celle-ci, j'ai besoin d'aide pour me transporter à un autre endroit!" (in a bad situation like this i need help to transport me to another place.) He yells and a portal instantley appears and he rushes through it as the dragon breathes fire at him.

Falling on solid ground he signs after standing up and The Iniquitous opens his eyes as he floats in the magical circle.

"Did you get it?" He asked his Apprentice who nods homding up the claws. With a evil smirks his master lands on the floor. "Good now find the gurl and we can finally get this potion started."

"Yes master." Noah bows than he closes his eyes to find where Kailyen is so they can be even one step closer to getting her powers. And to finally make this world suffer.

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