Vampires and magic

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Both him and Regina walk to patch up her wound. After he bandages it she looks at him and reads his mind. Tilting her head she has wide as after she reads him. He looks up with a worried face once she does. 

"What?" He asked and she stands up slowly than she turns away from him which makes him even more worried. 

"You care about her.....The Enchanted One? You love her." She says and he huffs out rubbing his temples. He forgot she can read his mind. "You love the enemy? How could you?" 

He doesn't answer, he doesn't know how to answer. Will she tell his master? Oh no this is so bad.....what does he say to her. 

"How could you Noah!" 

"I did love her, okay sue me. I loved her....but unfortunately she didn't love me. I feel in love and I just got broken more than I already am." He tells her and she looks down sadly while he cleans everything off the table. 

"I won't say anything, but if I catch you betraying your master than I can promise you Noah you will hate your life more than you already do." She threatens him and he nods slightly staring at her. 

"Apprentice The Iniquitous needs you." A messenger tells him and he walks away heading down to his master. And he sees Serena and Marcus bowing at his master. 

"You called me Master." He says bowing his head as his master sits on his throne. Staring down at them.

"You three may rise." He tells them and they do staring into his bright hateful eyes. "It has come to my conclusion that The Enchanted One is making a potion to stop the monsters that I'm creating to find her. I need you to find her, get her ingredients, destroy them and bring her to me. we can finally take her powers. And finally be destroyed."

Noah has wide eyes after her said that. This is not good....does he still have feelings for her? He has this warm.....feeling in his chest. His heart is pounding dramatically. Oh no his eyes are starting to change blue again. He closes them again and shakes his head. His eyes go back to yellow with a sign of relief......sort of......his heart is still pounding very fast. Oh my god he still has feelings for her.

"Noah, are you willing to do this mission." His master asked him as he stands there frozen. Is he willing to go? He looks at his master with a serious face and nods his head mamimg his master smile devilishly. "Good....don't dissapoint me."

He bows his head than turns away from his master with a sad look. He doesn't know what to do. He can't have Kailyen die he just can't. He will never forgive himself. He loves her and he has to find a way to help her. Holding his head again in pain he reliazes that his good is starting to take over more. Hopefully his bad won't fake over to much when he sees her again.
"Long time no see friend." Angelique says as Kailyen walks over to her and hugging her. "Did you find the dragon?"

"I did now I just have the vampires." She says and Angelique nods walking into the cabin. She groans out in pain as she takes her backpack and jacket off.

"You've damaged your shoulder and you have a wound on your side. It must of dropped you." The nice witch says and Kailyen nods as the witch smiles getting her healing supplies. "So how are you going to stop these vampire?"

"I don't know I don't really have much for a vampire my friend......" She trails as she thinks about Ayden. Probably back home all safe and cozy while she risks her life with all these monsters. "He had most of the supplies in his backpack. I haven't had time to go get some more things."

"Well I have holy water, garlic, that's aboit it." Angelique tells Kailyen as she patches up her wounds.

"Maybe some holy water if you don't mind." She says and Angelique nods smiling and finishing up.

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