A new friend

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"He's a old friend of mine, I met online. He came to visit me for a year." She tells Ayden who nods.

"Nice to meet you I'm Ayden." He tells Noah who nods but also holds a serious face. Than Ayden holds his hand out for him to shake it but Noah jist stares at it hesitating. "Don't you shake hands?"

"Of course I do man, names Noah." He says shaking his hand gripping it tightly and mamimg Ayden groan quietly as he does. "Should we get going, wouldn't want you to be late."

"Of course, thanks for dropping me off." She says and he nods as she gets out. "I'll see you after school?."

Noah nods as she closes the door and walks with Ayden. And to tell you the truth a part of him is a lkttle jealous. Of course she would never know but a part of him doesn't want to see him with her.

"You didn't tell me you had a friend." Ayden says kind if angrily that it makes Kailyen feel almost insecure.

"I'm sorry I didn't think I had to. Plus he's only an online friend he's not really my best friend...you are. Plus I can't stand him that much and he barged in at my house and so yeah." She tells him and Ayden nods but she can tell he is still upset at her. "Well I gotta get to math I'll see you later?"

"Uh yeah see ya." He says and she looks down sadly as they part ways than she winces as she starts to hear everyone's thoughts again. No not this again, she holds her ears in pain as she hears everyones words loudly rinving through her own ears. Going through the main doors outside she rushes to the corner of the building where no one is as she cries out in pain from the noise. She was doing so well with nit hearing it all. She reaches to grab her headphones in her bag to put them n her ears but she reliazes that sbe forgot them.

Shit, she told herself crying out in pain again as the noises continue unfortunately. She than feels strong hands grip her shoulders looking up she sees Noah with a worried face.

"Kailyen....what's wrong?" He asked as she cries out in pain as her head pounds almost as her heart is right now. Looking at him she tries to talk but is having issues telling him.

"I...ah  hear...thoughts.....ah...and it hurts so much." She whines and tears start to form as the pain continues. He huggs her as she cries in his chest and the pain starts tSheurt more and more.

"It's okay, your okay, let it just pass over. It will all be over soon." He tells her trying so hard to help her through this but talking is not helping. She cries out again and groans loudly as Her whole body feels like it's on fire.

He Looks at her with concern not knowing how to help. Until all of a sudden he leans inmakimg  his lips touch hers.  Passionately he moves back and forth against her lips and she moves with him trying to distract her mind. He than starts to move his hands under her shirt to start rubbing her side's. And in doing so makes her moan and instantly melts under his touch. He pulls away after awhile looking at her eyes as he sees she is dazed a little making him smile. 

"Feel better?" He asked and she nods as he helps her up of the wall. Her head doesn't hurt anymore and she doesn't hear anyone's thoughts anymore either.

"Yeah thank you." She says as they stand there awkwardly outside. "I better get to class."

"Yeah, you should." He says and she nods as she walks off but he grabs her arm making her face him again. She sees his eyes filled with lust "Let me come with you please."

"Noah, don't think anything of this. Alright please don't." She begs and he nods looking down sheepishly and letting go of her arm. Than he walks away from her.
In math she looks down wanting to fall asleep as her teacher is explaining about percents and decimals......ugh the boring stuff.

Feeling a tap on her shoulder she turns to see Noah and instantly jumps at his presence. How did he......he teleported in her classroom. With wide eyes she glares at him wanting to absolutely yell at him but can't.

"How's math class?"

"What are you doing here? I told you to go." She asked and he shruggs whispering in her ear.

"I didn't want to leave you, plus your mother says you have to stay with me for the day." He says and she looks down signing since she forgot about what her mother said

 Fine, but you have to not talk so much." She tells him and he smiles happily and nodding. He than makes a bag of chips appear and puts his feet up on the desk next to him. Is he trying to cause attention? He than makes a soda appear and opens it which of course makes the pop sound. "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm hungry." He says and she gives him a really face knowing he is in a bunch of trouble even though he's been here for only 2 minutes. Than her teacher walks over.

"Excuse me sir, I'm in the middle of a lesson and it sounds like to me you brought a buffet." Her teacher says and Noah smirks at the teacher who folds her arms.

"Buffet wow, who knew some chips and a drink were a buffet." He says sarcastically and the teacher rolls her eyes grabbing his food. "Hey!"

"You should know.....wait I don't remember you in my class, what your name?"

"Noah Elowen." He answers and she looks at him strangely and so does Kailyen. His name sounds like a fantasy name.

"Well Noah, you should know that it is against our class rules to have food and drink while teaching. So go back with your friends because you don't belong in this classroom." She tells him and he huffs out in anger than walks out and goes against the lockers waiting for Kailyen to be done.

After a hour she walks out with Noah at her side. Walking through the crowded halls she tries to get to her next class but is having a hard time with all the people. Doesn't anybody know how to walk?

"Your teacher was delightful. I can see why so many of yoh kids hate school the rules are irrelevant to you." He says and Kailyen nods as she continues to walk to P.E. "And everyone is loud."

"Well your not wrong." She tells him and he nods looking at everyone. He grabs her arm and they face each other once more. "What are you doing?"

"Let's go, please lets have you skip the classes and we can go somewhere fun instead." He tells her and she looks at him like he's gone crazy
Has he never been to school before?

"I can't be absent or my mother will know." She says and he looks at her in confusion until soon after he has the expression of him getting an idea. "No i know that look it won't work."

"You don't know it yet, where do they track your absences?" He asked and she looks down than back up to his handsome face as his bright blue hues shine magnificently in the sun.

"They track it in the counseling center." She says and he smirks walking towards there. "What no you can't do that."

"Do what?" He asked as they continue to walk towards the counseling center.

"You know what Noah." She says to him and he turns to her making her feel small inside once he does as his yellow eyes show a little from anger but than they go back to blue. "You can't cheat the system." 

"I thought no mind reading is allowed. Look Kailyen, you have one more year until your an adult. Why not have a little fun." He asked and she looks down signing he's not wrong she does graduate next year. She really doesn't know what to do. They both stand there for a good minute until she looks up at him nodding her head.

"Fine let's do this." She says walking there with him and he smirks at her as she walks ahead of him. His plan is finally coming together.

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