From friend to villain

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A/n: kind of a short chapter not gonna lie. Sorry if it feels rushed I will try to do better next time. Thanks for reading guys hope you enjoy!

P.S: also sorry for no pictures at the begginning of the chapters recently. For some reason whenver I upload one they like to dissapear. So I've just decided to leave them blank for now.

Kailyen walks to the river the only other places he can think. So peaceful and calming, but also dangerous and unexpecting just as life always is. 

She lays down near the trees as she sees the cloudy sky. She tries to make them out as they start to form different thing in the wind. So many things have happened in this Forrest......She used to paint or draw here everyday, found an old man who helped her, a book that called to her and gave her abilities, where she and Ayden fought monsters and where Ayden left her, met the nice witch who helped her, where Noah became good, and where her and Noah made their first love for each other. This Forrest has so many things going on. And more is yet to come. She told herself as she layed there closing her eyes for a little bit enjoying nature. 


Noah sits there quitley drinking his water with her mother. They both have no idea what to thigo. And right Noah just want to find Ayden and punch him just as he did to his face that day at prom. He hates Ayden with a burning passion. Standing up he walks over to grab his coat since it's started raining outside. 

"Noah, where are you going?" Kailyen mother asked him as he turns the door knob. 

"I'm going to go find her and bring her home." He tells her and she mods slightly getting out some white wine from all this stress. 

"You'll find her by the river in the mountains." Her mother tell him as she pours it in the glass. Than she sits down on the couch. "She always goes there to paint whenever she is upset. Or when she just needs to think about everything in the world. I guess that's why she always paints that fantasy world of hers so she can escape from this one." 

He nods slightly until he reliazes. "Or because she's connected to that world." He says and her mother looks confused as he walks out the door than he runs and transports to where Kailyen is. 


He falls on the uneven ground a little as he transported to the river. Rushing over there he sees her laying down enjoying the nature around her. He smiles seeing her looking so peaceful and calm. Sitting down next to her he waits for her to wake up. Opening her eyes she huffs out as she sees him sitting there. And his smile fades once he sees her reaction. 

"I know you wanted to be alone but I needed to see you. I was worried about you." He tells her and she nods slightly. Than she lays back down and Noah lays down with her. 

"How are you still here?" She asked suddenly which makes him look at her strangely. He sits up and take in what she just said. How is he still here?

"Your referring to how am I still not dead yet by my master?" He asked and she nods quickly. "To tell you the truth I actually have no idea why I am not dead yet." 

"Well it was worth a shot I guess." She says and he chuckles which causes her to be eccedentesiast as she continues to look up at the sky. He looks down at her and kisses her softly. She sits up more and more as he kisses her rapidly. Pulling back he smiles and so does she than he lays back down closer to her this time as they cuddle in the forrest.

"I'm so lucky to be with you." He says to her suddenly which causes Kailyen to blush. 

"And so am I, I love you." She says and he kisses her neck causing her to squirm happily. 


Ayden walk on the lonely sidewalk after the breaking news with Kailyen he just didn't know what else to do but walk.  These whole couple of weeks have been a mess. He's messed up with his best friend and he doesn't know what to do. Leaning against the wall he puts his hands in his face groaning in frustration.

"You seemed troubled young man." A voice said suddenly and he turns to see The Inquitous. Stepping back in fear he in does his hood and reveal his yellow eyes. "Come with me." 

"Like hell I would freak." He says and The Iniquitous chuckles darkly at him causing Ayden to cower a little. 

"Freak no, no, young one I am darkness. I am The Iniquitous." He says and Ayden has wide eyes in fear oh crap how did the Iniquitous know about him? Did Kailyen mention him during all this?

"I know about you because of your little fight with The Enchanted one. And no she never said anything about you even with Noah there." He explains and Ayden gives a disgust face once he says that name. He hates Noah. "There's the fire I was looking for. You despise my apprentice why?" He is about to talk but The Iniquitous cuts him off before he can say a word. 

"Because he stole her form you......ever since you were little you've liked her but never told her until that day. But she never loved you the right way though. How depressing, take some advice alright....from me." He says stepping closer to Ayden who looks down. "For fucks sake man get over it. She is long gone without you and I think you know that. Now I beg you Ayden to pull your head out of your ass. And listen to me closely. If you want power, if you want to be strong just as my apprentice, than join me Ayden and I will make it so you can destroy Noah Elowen. I know you despise him so let me help you."

He stands there slowly contemplating. He hates Noah but what will Kailyen think? Who cares what she thinks anymore....she doesn't want to talk to him anymore anyways. Looking up at The Inqutious he stares down at Ayden now standing more confidently.

"I'll join you, my master." Ayden says bowing and The Iniquitous smiles widly and him and he closes his eyes breathing in and out happily as he sees his whole plan has come together.

"Grab my hand apprentice and now we will transform you into something better." He says and Ayden grabs his hand and they are now transported back to the cave.
A/n: Well shit been a long time since I've talked at the end of the chapter. Well (clears throat) Things are really starting to pick up now aren't they?

And Ayden my dude what are you doing? Anyways let me know your thoughts down in the comments. Or if you have any questions for me that's fine too. And if you enjoyed this chapter please vote for it. I guess that being said thank you for reading and as always happy reading!

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