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Right now Kailyen is still in math. Ugh one of her least favorite subjects. Right now they are learning about 3 step equations.

"Hey?" Ayden asked but Kailyen has her music in so she can't hear him. "Kailyen? Hey!"

"Mr. Taylor I would appriciate it if you would not talk while I am teaching." There teacher says and Ayden nods.

"I'm sorry." He says and she nods as she continues the lesson. And Ayden looks at Kailyen wierd. Did he do something wrong?
At the end of class Ayden walks over to Kailyen but she continues to ignore him.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked but Kailyen continhes not to say anything, he than drags her into a quiet hallway making her yelp. Than he grabs her earbuds out of her ears instantley she yells and cries from the pain. "Kailyen....what's wrong!?"

"Pit it back in please.....ah Ayden." She tells him and he nods rushing to put them back in.

"Im sorry, really I am please forgive me." He says hugging her and she nods. "Are you okay? What's wrong with your ears?"

Not being able to hear him she tilts her head confused than he looks down signing and grabbing his phone.

"Are you okay? What's wrong with your ears?" 🤔
"I'm fine, turns out I have a bad ear affection."
"That sucks, I'm really sorry." 😞
"It's okay, sorry if you thought I was ignoring you."
"No it's okay, I just wished you would of told me." 😐
"I know, I will try not to hide anything."
"You better, I'll see ya at lunch." 🙃
"See ya." 😊

They look up at each other smiling and than they part ways as Kailyen goes to her history class.
The Iniquitous is searching through his book until he signs in dissapointment.

"Great just fantastic." He says closing his book in frustration.

"What's wrong?" The apprentice asked and his master looks at him rolling his eyes.

"Turns out it's not a spell, it's a potion. And it's one where she needs to drink it in order for it to work." He says and than his apprentice nods.

But than the apprentice reliazes something. And his master notices.

"What?" He asked obvisouly confused.

"I'm connected to her." He says amd he masters eyes go wide and he than smirks walking over to his apprentice. "When I met her we made a connection once she did her blast."

He puts his hands on his apprentices shoulders and smiles.

"You know what that means?" His master asked and The Apprentice shakes his head. "It means your a idiot who should of said something sooner!"

"I'm sorry master I didn't reliaze it until I connected to her for about 2 secounds." He says and his master has a puzzled look.

"You just randomly connected to her?" He asked and his Apprentice nods. "Great where was she?"


"What was around her?"

"I don't was 2 secounds." His apprentice says to him and The Iniquitous rubs his temples.

"How did you connect to her?"

"I don't know master."

"'re going to try to connect to her and once you do. You need to figure out where she lives so than we can give her the potion. And than I can be a apparition to know where she is at all times. Understood?" He asked and his Apprentice nods.

"I will try master."

Sitting down in the circle it glows and he starts to try to connect to Kaiylen.

Kailyen is walking home still having to put music in her ears as she walks father away from the school.

Like Ayden said this sucks and he's right. She may listen to music everyday but nkt being able to hear what your teacher, students, or her mom has to say to her.

Openikg the door to her house she sits on the couch. Taking a breath she slowly undoes her earbuds. And closes her eyes waiting to hear everything the world.

But nothing, not a single sound. Is it off and on? Standing up she walks over to the fridge grabbing a water than head up to her room to do her homework. Thank goodness the nosies have stopped.
"Anything?" The Iniquitous asked as his apprentice continues to try and connect.

"No I don't know how we connected." He says and his master nods.

"Keep on trying we need to know." He says and The Apprentice huffs closing his eyes again trying really hard to connect to Kailyen.
Sitting in her room Kailyen gets a sharp pain on her forehead. Almost like a burning pain. .

Holding her head she cries out as it continues. Dropping her pencils she leans in her chair as it feels like her head in about to explode.

But than it stops......she breathes....well tries to. And she looks down not knowing why that has happened. She than goes back to her homework.

"Long time no see." A voice says and she turns her chair with horror as she sees the apprentice right there in her bedroom.

"What......who?" She tries to speak but can't get a single word out. "Who are you?"

"My name is Noah, Ms. Akridge. I must say what a nice house. Do you live on your own or with parents?" He asked and she looks down.

"With parents, I'm still in high school." She answers and he nods going over to her bookcase.

"You like to read?" He asked and she nods. "Me too, gives you a chance to escape.....from your own reality."

He looks at her as she grabs a vase. Possibly to knock him out. Rolling his eyes he super speeds over to her grabbing her arm and making her drop the vase and having it shatter everywhere.

Everything happened so did he super speed that's not in her book.?

"What do you want from me! Let me go!" She yells at him as he continues to hold her between the desk. He smirks devlishly as he holds his hand up. He's going to read her mind again.

She winces in pain as he closes his eyes sending his dark magic into her skull. She has to try to stop him again.

Holding her hand up she tries the same spell to blast him across the room but......nothing. Her powers aren't working.

"Your powers can't work very well if I your super close to me like we are now. My magic is to powerful for you right now......since your are still a beginner in the magic arts Kailyen." He explains and she glares at him than a sharp pain comes into her head and she cries out as it continues.

"Stop please......ah.......please." She begs him but he shakes his head.

"Just give me what I want Kailyen." He tells her as she cries out again as another wave of pain hits her. "All of this will be over if you would just stop fighting me."

"You won't get it." She tells him and he opens his yellow eyes as they glow in anger.

"Oh but I will Kailyen.....or we can do this all night." He tells her and he starts to go back into her mind again and she groans and arches her back in pain from the pressure in her head as it travels all throughout her body. "Im almost there if you would just work with me here all this pain will go away."

"No I won't let you.....I......ahhhh." She screams as she feels him go deeper into her mind. Than he pulls away from her and she falls to the floor exhausted and sweaty. He kneels down to her as she sits there panting.

"I'm sorry that it had to come to this. But I must help my master accomplish his goal. What we want from you is your power. And I can promise you Kailyen......that we will get it." He tells her and she glares at him as he smiles than he slowly fades away leaving her in her bedroom.

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