My eyes are filled with unshed tears. I don't know what should I do.. i slowly walked in their direction. There was no one in the premises.

Suddenly i heard Advitya's voice.

"Neelakshi behave"! He shouted
I jumped on my place . That voice holds so much anger.

He detached himself from her. She lost her balance, but regained instantly.

She saw him with blood shot eyes.

"How dare you shekhar". She screamed.
"You are fighting with me for that bitch wife of yours"!. She screamed.

"Neelakshi"! He shouted.

He clutched her shoulder harshly.

"Dare you speak anything about my wife." He said in dangerously low voice.

He defended me. My Advitya supported me..

"Oh here she comes"! Neelakshi said when she saw me.

Advitya turned around. He saw me, his eyes softened.

He walked towards me. He cupped my face, wiped my tears and hugged me.
"I am sorry"! He said while hugging me as if he was calming himself.

"Wow what a love! The great captain Advitya melted like this. For a girl who is making him forget his real identity. A soldier is tricked like this. What a shame" ! She said.

I saw Advitya fuming in anger.

She again started speaking venom.

"And you", she eyed me. "I can't believe this . Advitya came in your trick. What magic you did. Used same seducing tricks. What can we expected from cheap! third grade! sl".

"Neelakshi!!! ... Advitya shouted and i flinched backwards. But gripped Advitya.

"Don't you dare to bad mouth her. And what are you talking about. She is a forensic expert, do you even know about her background". He said.

"What!" Neelakshi asked looking confused.

"Yes. Forget about the education, you have no right to say wrong things to her even if she is illiterate. She is my wife, god damn it. And what are you proud of. Haan.. your personality , rank. You are stone hearted egoistic girl Neelakshi. My Adhya is generous, patient and a good human being. I never thought you will stoop this low Neelakshi. I am ashamed to be your friend." He said.

She laughed

"It's not a modeling or a show Advitya where you have to be generous or kind. It's reality. And in real life we compete for survival. Few times back these were your thoughts too. I don't know how you have changed." Neelakshi replied while watching me with hate.

After a pause she continued
"Take care Shekhar. I loved you so much that it hurts to see you with an average girl like her". I saw tears in her eyes.
"It was you who told me that you like tough strong girl and silly me , i thought you might like me someday." She paused.

"And remember one thing. She will ruin you. Your peace. You two will never live together." She said .

I tightened my grip around his hand.
She smirked and wiped her tears. And left the place.

She cursed us! I cannot think straight now. She was hurt. She loves Adi. What if her predictions come true. My eyes started filling with tears again.

I am in full panic mode. I was shaking.. what if her predictions get true.
"Adhya!! Adhya!! Look at me" . I saw Advitya.
I hugged him as if my life depends on him.
"Aashi, stop crying! I am sorry. You have to witness all this". I saw him clenching his jaw.

A Namesake Couple (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now