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"See you in Germany, Jin"
"I'll miss you, my Jack Frost" I said hugging him before I had to leave for the airport.
It's a week before KPOP Flex and I was obviously gonna attend with the girls, but we decided to stay in Italy for a week before and a week after the festival. We would be staying in an apartment that my aunt managed to rent for us near where I used to live.
"Make sure to call me, okay?" He said.

"Hoon, we won't see each other for 2 weeks only! Treat these as if you have super busy schedule, which you really have. And make sure to rest well during your flight cuz it's right after MuBank"
"Don't worry, Princess. I will, I will. Now go, Juyeon and the others must be waiting for you"
I hugged him one last time before I went inside the taxi that he had called for me.


During the first week in Milan, we visited all the hot places and had fun taking this random break from school right after we started our last year of high school.
It was early in the morning, we're at the apartment and Chiara came by to visit and hangout.
"Hey Jinhee, what if we go to Palasesto? We haven't gone there since we were, like, 11"
"Omg yes! Let's go!"

"Just don't get sad cuz you miss him" Juyeon said teasingly.
The eight of us arrived at the rink and payed for the time we chose to stay.
It was Friday and from what I knew, my boyfriend is supposed to be at the MuBank studio already.
Without thinking much, as soon as I got in the ice rink, I took my phone and video called him.
"Hey, Jinjin, what's up?"

"Look, my Jack Frost. Where am I at right now?" I said showing the surrounding.
"Oh my- Love! You're at the rink where we met!" He said as his eyes lit up.
"Yes Hoon, it is"
"I wish we could go there together one day" he said as a gloomy look appeared on his face.
"Wait, wait, wait no! No sad faces here!"

"Ok, ok! I just miss you..."
"What were you doing?"
"Just on break before starting today's MuBank. Look" he said turning his phone to the script in his hand.
"Who's that?" I heard a voice saying from his end.
"Oh it's my girlfriend"
"Who's that, Hoonie?"
"It's just Wonyoung"
"Omg can I see her?"

He turned the camera to him and Wonyoung.
"Omg hi! You're so pretty!"
"Uhm thank you, Wonyoung-ssi! I'm Choi Jinhee, nice to meet you!"
"Yes, my pleasure as well!"
"Well, I have to go, Jack Frost. Let's talk later maybe" I said waving bye and some of the girls went closer to say bye as well.

"Bye, Hoon oppa! See you next week!"
"Bye girls, have fun, be careful on the ice and take care of Jinhee, I still have to marry her" he said laughing.
"Oh shut up, Elsa. Now enough. Bye bye" I said ending the call.
"We can smell your jealousy, Jin" Chiara said.
"Oh shut up. I know they just work together and Hoon is loyal"

"So true. He's so whipped, I swear. Makes me wanna throw up at times" Juyeon added.
"He's like a puppy when it comes to Jinhee sometimes" Seora added.
"I do have to admit that she's way more pretty than me, talented, smart and even taller"
"Oh shut up Jin! You shouldn't be comparing yourself to no one. Now let's cheer up and have fun for these two hours we paid for!" Miyoung said as she struggled on the ice.
"Yeah, these better be fun because I've never skipped MuBank" Haena added trying to reach the borders.

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