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After almost 2 days after I met ENHYPEN, they're first concept pics came out and OH GOD IF THEY LOOK GOOD!
Yesterday I went out with Kyungjun on a friendly date and we went at the arcade and to a dog cafe. The arcade was his idea while I recommended the dog cafe after Sunghoon recommended it to me.
Yes, he really meant it when he said he wanted to keep in touch.

After the cafe, Kyungjun walked me home and I binge watched Squid Game while I'd get some messages from Sunghoon or Jake or Juyeon. Yeah, also Jake kept in touch, he said he wants updates about his cousin. I don't know.
Anyways, today is the day Juyeon and I are going to use the exclusive tickets Jake got her. She texted him like he asked her to, but he left her on read.

"I'll never stop thanking him for these!" I said excitedly as we were waiting in line at the entrance.
"Yeah tsk, why have a super nice cousin if all they do is leave you on seen zone"
"Ay Someone here is still salty" I said teasing her.
"It feels like he prefers you over me" She said annoyed.
We could go inside for ticket batch so when we went in it was only me and Juyeon.

We went to the desk after the tour to get our photo cards, when we saw them, ENHYPEN.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, COUSIN!" Jake said opening his arms waiting for a hug.
"Yah! You Aussie bitch! I thought you forgot it and you even left me on seen!" She said in English all angry.
"Guys, she's my cousin Juyeon and well, our skating teacher, Jinhee" he said.

"Nice to see you again"
"N-nice to meet you" Juyeon said shyly and bowing slightly.
"Hope you liked this surprise"
"I mean- How could I not? Meeting my favorite group? Am I dreaming? Jin, pinch me"
"Finally, time to pay back" I said and I punched her arm lightly.
Weirdly enough, I wasn't nervous anymore around them.

The effect of spending a whole day with them?
And teaching them too??

"Nice to see you again, noona!" Niki said.
"You're lucky we didn't have anything this afternoon, Ju"
"I'll make sure to pay you back for this cruel act of yours" she said still salty. "She's funny" Heeseung said giggling. "Yeah, a funny tomato"
"Jaeyun Sim, I swear, you better stop"
Without me noticing Jungwon came near me.

"Are they always like that?" He said whispering to my ear.
"Oh- Jungwon it's you! And I don't know. She found out they were cousins the day I taught you skating"
"Hmm, I see. Anyways it's nice seeing that you're not awkward with me although I'm your favorite, so many always act so awkward"
"Yeah, I don't know either why I'm not that nervous anymore"

"Maybe cuz I saw you begging for a penguin support?"
"Yah! Skating is hard!" And we both laughed.
"How was the museum?" Jay asked.
"So cool! And congrats! Your award trophy is finally exposed here!" Juyeon said.
"Thank you" Sunghoon said.
"Happy birthday again, Juyeon!"
"Thank you so much, Sunoo oppa!"

"Jake hyung bought you an ice cream cake! We can eat it at the Hybe cafe!"
"Really?! Who needs an older brother if you have a cousin like Jake Sim?"
"I'm telling this to Daeyeon hyung" Jake said threatening to tell on her to her older brother.
With that they guided us to the Hybe cafe, we ate the cake Jake bought her and we went back home.

5 years later Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang