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"Since they went to Petit France, let's go here"
We entered the Italian village, immediately get rented by a small bridge with two lion statues on the sides.
"Wait, you can actually go inside the houses?"
"Oh, lets try entering that one!" I said pointing at a random house.

Apparently each house have some sort of Italian stuff to show, the one we entered had antique things like plates, small statues and utensils. After strolling around, we arrived at the mini arena.
"This is so cute" I said cuz of the size of it.
"Why would it be cute?"
"It's nothing compared to the original ones! It can barely fit a class! And the stage is small too"

"Do you think me and the boys can perform in this space?"
"Yeah, if you perform Just A Little Bit"
"You sure?" He asked as he starts dancing in the middle of it.
"Yah! Are you stupid?! What if someone recognizes you?"
"Wanna go eat?"
"Sure but I haven't seen any restaurant or food places so far"

"I think they're in the French one, shall we go?"
"Ok, let's eat first and then go around Petit France too"
In the French inspired village there was only a place to eat and luckily it had indoor tables, so we ordered and sat at one of the tables in a corner.
"Did you really have to buy that?" He said pointing at my Kinder Surprise egg.

"You took me to a mini Italian village, so bear with it. I wonder what's inside"
"Eat first, though, don't start with that"
"Aish fine, what should we do first? The corn dog, the pizza or the chicken?"
"You choose. After all, we'll eat everything"
"In that case..."

"What! No! I told you start with the real food!"
"But chocolate is food!"
"You're so childish"
"No, I can outsmart you and I miss this sweet here" I said taking a bite of the chocolate egg and opening the surprise in it.
"Oh! Seems like it has multiple parts! Why can't I open it!"
"Just ask for help already"

"No" I said placing the little yellow container and slightly pressing it with my shoe till it opened a bit.
"See, I can outsmart you, Jack Frost"
"Still thinking you're a childish idiot"
"But you like me"
"Sadly, I do"
"Just eat already" he said feeding me with a piece of pizza to shut me up.


"What are we gonna do, now?" I asked as we finished eating.
"Hm... We should visit this part since we didn't yet"
"Right. Let's go then! I saw something interesting earlier" I said dragging him to a tiny square with a mini Tour Eiffel and a statue of the Little Prince.
"Oh! The tower!"
"It's so yellow"

"Indeed! Have you ever been to Paris?"
"Nope, you?"
"I don't remember, I went to many places in Europe but I don't remember them well"
"Hm, I see. Hoon! Take a pic of me with the Little Prince!"
"Are you replacing me with a fake prince?" He said dramatically.
"Yes, what are you gonna do about it?"

"This" he said getting closer to me since I was next the statue and he was next to the tower.
"Jinhee, Choi Jinhee, I've been liking you for years and I'm risking a lot by asking what I'm about to ask you... We've been talking and hanging out a lot and you know that I've been courting you for a few weeks now. Jinhee, I'd like to ask you out officially. Would you be my girlfriend?"

"Sunghoon, Hoon, my dear Jack Frost. I thought it was obvious that I like you back but I guess you're a blind dummy. But yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend"
"Yes! Yes! Yess!" He said hugging me and making us turn in circle as he was slightly jumping.
"Put me down! I'm getting dizzy!"
"I like you so much, Jin"
"I like you a lot too, Hoon" I said giving him a peck on his cheek.

After quickly going around the French part we reunited with his parents. "Mom, dad, she said yes!" He said with an obvious proud smile.
"Aw I'm so happy for you two!"
"Now, if you need anything just ask us, we will help you"
"Thank you, aunty and uncle" I said bowing slightly and with that we went back to Seoul.

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