Chapter 12

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One month later
Elle's POV
It's been an entire month and neither one of them has touched me. I'm growing increasingly impatient, my body aching to feel them.

I've asked Kieran what was taking so long, but he just keeps telling me that we have to take things slow.

I understand them wanting to take it slow as this is my first time being in a sexual relationship with two men at the same time. But it does it have to be this slow?

I'm tired of having to spend my nights alone in my room with nothing but my hand and the imaginations of what could be. I've never been the type who couldn't control myself when it comes to sex. 

But that was before I started living with two hot men. Now I crave their touch and can't seem to get them out of my head. They haven't even done anything yet and I feel as though I may burst into flames if they don't take me. 

I guess you could say I've become a nymphomaniac.

"Elle!" The distorted sound of my name being called severs the line to my thoughts as someone wraps their arms around my waist and pulls me up and out of the water.

I'm confused as I gasp for air and look to see Kieran with a look of pure fear in his eyes. "What the hell, Elle!? You scared the shit out of me!"

Realization washes over me as my eyes skim over his attire. He's still wearing his clothes, his dress shirt, tie, and slacks now drenched from having jumped into the pool to save me.

"I was fine, Kieran. I can swim." 

I was the captain of my swim team back in high school, so I can hold my breath longer than others. And when I'm frustrated, stressed, sad, or even angry I tend to spend time under water to collect my thoughts.

He doesn't say anything- genuinely upset. He really thought I had drowned, because I had been under the water for so long.

I reach out to touch him, but he jerks away from me and hoists himself up and out of the water. "I need a fucking drink," he grumbles under his breath, grabbing his suit jacket off the lounge chair and storming off.

I'm not sure what I did wrong. Getting out of the water, I wrap the towel Ruth left for me around my waist and head inside to go see if Kieran's okay.

I find him in the kitchen with a glass of what looks like some kind of hard liquor in his hand. He's standing in front of the counter as he tosses back the alcoholic beverage before pouring himself another.

"Kieran," I murmur, hesitant to approach him after the way he reacted a moment ago.

He glances back at me, before turning around to lean up against the counter with his glass in hand. "I thought you drowned, Elle." There's a look in his dark brown eyes that I'm not sure I can decipher. I can't tell if it's pain, anger, or fear.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay. I know you didn't. I just..." He rubs at the nape of his neck, sighing softly. "I really hate the water."

I can tell that something's tugging at his heart. Like he wants to say something, but decides against as he takes another sip of his drink.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

He pauses for a moment as if really contemplating, before shaking his head. "No, that's alright." He sets the unfinished drink down on the counter and starts for the exit. "I'm going for a walk. I'll be back soon."


By the time Kieran finally returns, he's missed dinner and everyone has already gone to bed. Having been too worried to go to sleep, I ended up staying up waiting for him.

"W-What are you still doing up?" He slurs, staggering into the dining hall with a bottle of bourbon in his hands. His hair is unkempt and his clothes are wrinkled and disheveled.

"I was waiting for you," I reply, eyeing the almost empty bottle of alcohol in his hands. "I thought you said you were going for a walk."

"I did," he answers, bringing the bottle back up to his lips to take another drink.

Seeing me in that water must have really scared him for him to be coming home drunk. I've never seen Kieran like this and I'm not sure what to do about it. I could ask Tobias or Ruth, but they are both asleep.

So taking matters into my own hands, I walk over to him and snatch the bottle from his hands. "Hey," he protests, trying to take the bottle back. "I was d-drinking that."

Ignoring him, I make my way into the kitchen and pour every last drop of the remaining alcohol into the sink. I throw the bottle away in the trash once the alcohol is washed down the drain.

"What the hell is your problem!?" Kieran snapped angrily.

"You've had enough to drink. I can literally smell you from all the way over here."

Growling, he storms out of the kitchen, cutting through the dining hall and making his way upstairs.

I'm not sure what's going on with him, but something definitely triggered him at the pool earlier. And whenever someone drinks it's usually because they are trying to run away from something.

Following him all the way to his room, I help him over to his bed despite his protests. "I got it," he grumbles. "I don't need a fucking babysitter."

I almost laugh but manage to suppress it. If this were Tobias, I would have some witty remark to counter his rude and dissmissive attitude. 

But this is Kieran, and he's been nothing but a sweetheart since we met. So it's a little strange to hear him speak to me in such a way. 

I wonder how Tobias is when he's drunk. Would his cold heart suddenly turn warm or would he become an even greater ass? If that's even possible. I don't think I'll ever find out. He never drinks enough to actually get drunk.

Helping him out of his clothes -which wasn't an easy task because he was of no help whatsoever- I tossed them into his dirty clothes hamper located in his own personal bathroom before returning to his side.

I'm tugging the covers up and over his body when I spot a tattoo of a date on his ribcage. It says April 15, 1997. 

What happened that day? 

It couldn't be his birthday, because he's twenty-seven which means he would have had to be born in 1995.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when he begins to snore in his sleep. Smiling, I tuck him in the covers and fluff his pillows to make sure he's comfortable.

Before taking my leave, I make sure to leave a trash can by his bed just in case he has to throw up.

Returning to my own room, I am hit with a wave of exhaustion as soon as my body hits the mattress. But I still can't sleep as my thoughts are on Kieran.

He left around five and didn't return until almost two in the morning. I told Tobias I was worried, but he insisted that Kieran was fine. He didn't seem worried about the situation, which most likely means that this isn't the first time he's done this.

I sigh, looking up at the ceiling. Kieran is the last person I would expect to have problems between the two of them. He just always seemed so well put together. 

I guess the charming smile and suit was just a disguise used to mask what he's really feeling. What? I have no idea.

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