Chapter 26

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Elle's POV
I woke up famished. I rummaged through the pantry and fridge like a little raccoon, munching on any and everything in sight.

From the leftover soup that Ruth and Margaret made for dinner last night to all kinds of junk food that should have really killed me.

I was struggling to open up a jar of pickles when Tobias entered the kitchen.

He stopped in the doorway to look at all the mess I made. There were opened bags of chips, opened cookie jars, a half eaten salad, an empty bowl of soup, and about fifty pieces of chocolate candy wrappers scattered about the kitchen counters.

I don't think Kieran told him about me accidentally getting high yesterday, because the slight twitch of Tobias' dark brow displayed pure shock on his gorgeous face.

Walking around the Island, I approached him with the pickle jar in hand. I looked up at him as he stared down at me. His eyes quickly skimmed over my attire, noticing the fact that I had stolen another one of his dress shirts out of his room.

"Can you help me?"

Folding his hand over mine, he used his other hand to effortlessly twist the lid off.

Thanking him, I grabbed a baby pickle out of the jar and took a bite. Some of the juice dripped down the corner of my mouth, which Tobias quickly swiped away.

"Want some?" I offered, holding the pickle I just bit out for him.

I was expecting him to be grumpy and refuse, but instead he unexpectedly leans down and takes a bite. He lifts his head, and I stare at him in surprise as he chews and swallows.



When he tries to lean in for another bite, I move my hand away from him. "Hey, get your own pickle."

"But I want yours," he replies lowly, an adorable frown on his face.

I've never seen this side of Tobias. He acts so robot-like. And to see him show an emotion other than anger was quite exciting.

I shake my head in refusal, despite the boyish expression on his face that I've found to be difficult to ignore. "I already gave you some."

His frown turns into a pout. Which surprises me, because I've only ever seen Kieran act this way.

Is he finally warming up to me?

"Fine," I muttered, rolling my eyes and handing him my pickle.

As I watched him eat what was mine, I saw a flicker of amusement cross his features.

"Thank you," he whispered before planting a kiss to my forehead and exiting the way he came.

I smiled. Even though angry, dominant Tobias has me shuddering from excitement and arousal, I think I like this version of him way better.


I spent the afternoon watching true crime, munching on snacks to rid me of the appetite that came with eating Kieran's pot brownies, and lounging on the couch.

The day was pretty uneventful aside from when I went swimming with my sisters.

It all changed when I came out of the shower with a note card and a new lingerie set on my bed. I didn't waste another second as I picked it up and read what was inside.

Time to play, my sweet girl. It's up to you on whether or not you behave.


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