Chapter 30

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Three days later
Elle's POV
The guys have been acting really weird lately. They are constantly hovering over me as if I'm going to disappear in a blink of an eye. And I can't do anything without them treating me like some fragile China.

When we got back home from Tobias' tech company, Kieran told me that we were under house arrest and that neither me, my sisters, nor Tobias were allowed out of the house without supervision.

After yelling his ear off because Olivia and Sadie still had to attend school and Olivia still has work, he agreed to leave them out of it.

I wanted my sisters to have as normal of a life as possible. I won't allow them to be sucked back into anymore drama. They've sacrificed enough.

The house was stark quiet. Tobias was most likely locked away in his office with his laptop in his face and his phone in hand.

I'm not sure what Kieran was doing. He's the only allowed in and out of the house without a chaperone.

As for Olivia and Sadie, they were watching TV downstairs while I tried not burst into tears from the pain in my stomach.

Periods suck.

Cramps suck.

And truthfully, sometimes being a woman sucks.

I groaned, a pillow tucked under the weight of my aching stomach. I had my head and arms dangling off one side of my bed and my legs hanging off the other.

Hearing a gentle knock at my door, I couldn't formulate any words as I grumbled a response.

The door opened and I looked up to see Kieran. He smiled. I'm not sure if the butterflies in my stomach were in the mood to flutter, the contracting of my insides unbelievably unbearable.

My heart did leap though. It always did whenever I was in his or Tobias' presence. They just had that affect on me.

"What's wrong, love?"

"Being a woman sucks balls."

"Your stomach still hurts?" He questioned, his eyes flittering with concern.

"Yes," I murmured just as another wave of cramps hit. It felt like someone was using my uterus as a punching bag.

I wanted to scream and cry, and maybe even puke up my lunch.

"Did you take the medicine Tobias bought for you?"

"Yes." Another frustrated sigh was dragged out of me. "It didn't work."

"Here," he said holding up a basket of goodies I hadn't noticed before. "This might help."

I sat up in bed, a wide, surprised smile on my face. "You didn't," I said, eyeing all of my favorite snacks and drinks in the basket.

"I did," he replied with a beaming smile.

Tobias and Kieran have already done so much for me. Just the other day Tobias had my bathroom stocked with pads and tampons. Then Kieran gifted me with a heating pad, which I used endlessly for the past few days.

I didn't even tell them I was on my period. Perhaps it was the way I dragged my feet or groaned from the pain that made them come to the conclusion.

I decided to ask Kieran. "Thank you, but how did you guys even know I was on my period?"

"We downloaded the app you use to keep track."

I sat up even straighter, my attention no longer on the basket of snacks. "Seriously?"

He nodded.

I didn't know whether to suck them off, or flip them off. It was sweet, yet creepy as fuck at the same time. And there wasn't a doubt in my mind that it was Tobias' idea.

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