Part 85. Saving Pepa&Julieta.

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Y/n's POV:

"Avery, do you know if my mom and Julieta are here, as well?" Camilo asks.
"No. They're somewhere else, but I have no idea where."
"Great. This is great."
I can tell Camilo is becoming tense. I come up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. I lean my head on his shoulder. Camilo feels my arms with his hands.
"Ew.. get a room, you two!"
We look down and see Carlos sitting up on the ground, his hand to his head. Mel dove to down to Carlos.
"She nocked you out! Are you hurting?" Mel feels around Carlos' face.
Avery stood there, just watching as the two of them just flirt.
"Uh.. guys..?! Behind you Camilo!" Carlos points.
Standing behind us was Danny. Camilo moves me behind him. Danny was holding something behind her back.
"Y/n.. get back." Camilo says.
"Camilo, what are you planning to do?" I worry.
Danny removes her hand from behind her back, revealing a pistol in her hand.
"Surprise!" Danny laughs.
"Y/n, get back!" Camilo yells.
I move further back.
"If you really want someone's blood on your hands, let it be my blood, no one else's!" Camilo looks Danny dead in the eyes.
"CAMILO?! Are you insane?!" I try stepping towards Camilo.
"Y/n, I swear, if you don't stay back-"
"I'm not going to allow you to get shot!"
"But if you get hurt, I wouldn't be able to stand myself!"
Danny starts to speak, "How cute. What if I just shoot both of you?" She points the gun at me.
"Lay one finger on her and you will wish you had never been revived!" Camilo warns Danny.
She moves the gun back to Camilo.
"Then I guess she'll just have to see your bleeding, stunned body here on this floor?" Danny tilts her head.
"As long as you don't hurt anyone else."
Before I could stall Danny, there was a click from the gun and soon following was a loud bang. In one quick flash Camilo was still standing. But, there was thud. Laying on the ground, bleeding out, was.. Avery.
"You fool!" Danny screams in anger.
"Avery?!" Camilo falls to his knees, shaking Avery to keep him awake.
Mel and Carlos just stared with terror in their eyes.
"Why did you do that?! I needed your great power!" Danny was furious.
Avery was having a hard time staying awake. Danny takes the gun and points it at Camilo's head.
"Camilo, watch out!" I get his attention.
He sees the gun.
"Y/n, don't look!"
Avery manages to lift his arm. He does one quick move with his hand and Danny's gun goes flying. The gun lands right in front of me. I pick the gun up. It was quite heavy to my surprise. I hold the gun with two hands, pointed right at Danny. She lifts both of her hands up. Camilo stumbles backwards, staring at me like I'm crazy, yet he's blushing like crazy with just the sight of me. I walk up and slam Danny into the wall behind her. I hold the gun to her head.
"Tell me where Pepa and Julieta are!" I yell.
"P-Please.. Don't kill me.."
"Tell me where they are and I might consider it."
"O-Okay! Okay.. They're in a lake.."
"What? That's stupid, Why'd you put them there?" I ask.
"High tide would drown them.. you better hurry, high tide is soon!" She gives a smile.
"..Carlos, tie her up quick so we can go!" I say.
Carlos finds some rope and ties Danny to a chair. Camilo was still sitting next Avery. I bend down next to him and I rub his back to comfort him.
"Avery.. Avery didn't make it.." Camilo rubs his watery eyes.
"Camilo.. it's not your fault, you know that, don't you?"
"He died saving me... I should've been the one in his place. Why did he save me? He shouldn't have saved me, I did nothing at all to help him in any way, so why did he-"
"You shouldn't feel such guilt. C'mon, we need to go save your family!"
I take his hand as we both stand. Mel, Carlos, Camilo and me all head towards the only lake that's near here. A couple minutes pass and we see the lake. We make our way towards the shore.
"Where are they? I don't see them! It's too dark out!" Camilo squinted but that didn't help much.
"Hey wait, do you see that? Is that.. a whirl pool?!" Carlos points.
"C'mon! I bet that's Pepa! We need to swim." I say, getting into the water.
They take their shirts off and they follow me into the water. It got deeper and deeper. The water was murky.
"OW! SOMETHING BIT ME!" Mel freaks out.
"It's okay, keep going!" Carlos encourages Mel.
"It's too far out!" Camilo was starting to doubt.
"We need to try!" I say.
"OW! Damn, something's biting me too!" Carlos looks terrified.
We keep swimming. We get closer and closer to the whirl pool.
"We're going to be sucked in, y/n!" Camilo was hesitating going any further.
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!~" I tried to make the tension a little less tense.
"Y/n, this isn't the time for singing like Dory!" Camilo tried to keep in his laugh.
Something was biting at my legs and feet. We couldn't feel the ground underneath our feet anymore. At this point we felt the pull of the whirl pool.
"Hold your breath!" I say.
We all get pulled under the water. I open my eyes. It was really blurry. I feel around me. I felt someone. I felt two people, actually. There was rope around them. I tug at the rope. I felt someone else bump into me. Though the water was dark and murky and it was all a blur I knew that it was Camilo. I had to get more air. I tried swimming up to the surface but the whirl pool just pulled me back under violently. Again and again I tried. I finally made it to the surface and got air, I was pulled under though. I swim back down to untie them. I saw three blurry figures. I swam to them and I felt the rope once more. It felt like forever but we eventually got them untied. The whirl pool calmed down. All of us made it to the surface. We gasped for air. We look around and we see Pepa and Julieta.
"Let's get back to shore!"
We made it to shore and we laid for a while, catching our breath. Camilo laid next to me, holding my hand. Carlos and Mel held hands.
"Thank you! I thought we were going to die!" Julieta says.
"I thought the same!" Pepa says.
"We need to go back to Danny. We need to take care of her!" I sit up.
"Like.. jail?" Camilo asks.
"Y/n.. no."
"Bars won't hold that maniac." I stand and hold out my hand for Camilo.
Camilo takes my hand. Everyone else stands. Carlos didn't say a word. Pepa held her arms out. Camilo embraces Julieta and Pepa. Everyone else just stood and watched, how awkward.
"Won't you give your own mother a hug?" Pepa was talking to Carlos.
Carlos looks away. Mel holds Carlos' hand again. After that, we make our way back to the old, abandoned restaurant where Danny was.

Camilo Madrigal x y/nOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora