Heres a little about me!

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Hello! Since you guys agreed to getting to know me a little, I will share some stuff with all of you! And if you don't want to read this all, you don't have too!
I'll just start off with my features!

-My hair color is brunette (dyed. But I do have natural brunette hair).

-How many times have I dyed my hair?- I've dyed my hair purple twice, red twice, brunette twice, I've bleached it a couple times.

-My eye color is hazel but more of a brown in certain lighting.

-My ethnicity- 🇭🇺+🇺🇸

-My age- 12 (but will be 13 on April 23). (I am now 13)

-My fav movies/tv shows- Encanto (obviously), HP (all), (any true crime), MHA, SDS, HRI, Stranger Things.

-Things I like- sketching, hanging out with friends, writing story's, making people mad, and spaghetti. Lol.

-Things I don't like- standing for the pledge/national anthem (if you would like to ask why, feel free to, just don't be mean. I have my reasons), people running my social battery low (that's what I call it), people who think girls are less/weaker than guys, people who disrespect lgbtq+, embarrassing myself, I hate a lot of things:) especially people that give me a reason to hate them:)

-I have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).

Anyways. I think that's enough. Maybe I said too much. Maybe that was personal just a little. But yeah. Any questions, you can ask me. And also, I'm not sure how often I will be updating the story over spring break because I will be going on a trip. Hope I didn't make anyone angry for any reasons. Well, have a good day/night!

Camilo Madrigal x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now