Part 81. Who did it?

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Camilo's POV:

"Let's go looking for Carlos.." I went out of the room with y/n and Mel.
We were about to go outside to look for him, but instead we saw Antonio and Carlos. Carlos had tears streaming down his face, but was playing with Antonio and some kittens. I step inside of Antonio's room. They were playing on the floor. Carlos looks up and notices us standing there. Carlos sort of jumps.
"Hey Antonio, where did you find those kittens?" I sit on the floor.
"I was playing outside and I found them.." he replies.
"And their mother?"
"Nowhere to be found. I tried to call for her, but nothing.." he picks the littlest kitten up.
"Okay, I'm just making sure you didn't take kittens when they already were doing fine."
"I know, I'm not mean like that."
Mel and y/n sat down next to me.
"So, Carlos?" I get his attention.
Carlos looks up.
"Does this look familiar?" I show him the potion.
He shakes his head no, "What is that..?" He says very quietly.
"We think someone had put this love potion into all of the bottles you two had."
"What? Love potion?" Carlos took a closer look at the bottle.
"Yeah, Mel had found it."
"But who would do that? How would someone do that?"
"We don't know. Do you have any idea?"
Carlos gives the bottle back. Carlos shakes his head no.
"So, it's... not my fault?" Carlos says in a shaky voice.
"No, it's not. Which is good, because I think I would've already beaten your ass by now." I laugh a little to myself.
Carlos wipes all of the tears off of his face with his sleeve. Carlos smiles a little and then continues on playing with the kittens.
"Hey, Antonio? You know mom isn't going to be too happy about this, you know that, right?" I pick a kitten up and I start to pet it.
"I know.." he says sadly.
"But don't worry, we'll keep it a secret!" Antonio gives a bright, cheerful smile.
I hand the kitten that I was petting, over to y/n. I pick another kitten up and I hand it to Mel. I pick one up for myself.
We all turn our heads towards Mel.
The kitten had gripped onto Mel's face, sinking it's small, sharp nails into his skin.
"Calm down! It's just trying to crawl up onto your head!" Carlos tried picking the kitten up.
"Yeah, with it's CLAWS!" Mel still was freaking out.
"Their nails! It's fine! Stop moving!" We all couldn't hold in our laughter.
The kitten was very defiant. It was still holding on for dear life.
Carlos was trying to retrieve the kitten but couldn't, do to the untamable laughter. Mel kept screaming. At last, Carlos got the kitten to stop attacking. Carlos held the kitten like a baby and cradled it in his arms.
"Aw! Look, it's not so scary!" Carlos laughed.
"..Beast." Mel scowled at the kitten.
"You're so over dramatic!" Y/n says.
"I am not! I am so appalled that you would think such a thing!" He said all fancy.
"Woah, didn't know you knew such fancy vocabulary words!" I say.
We all laughed. Mel couldn't hold back his laughter either. We all rolled around on the floor, holding our stomachs. After a while of just talking and laughing, we all decide that it's time to go eat something. We were all pretty hungry, so yeah. Everyone just got some random whatever from the fridge and ate that. But, Carlos didn't have a plate of anything.
"Carlos, you should eat something, aren't you hungry?" Mel asks.
"No, I'm fine!" Carlos looks down to his palms.
"C'mon! Wanna share a plate?" Mel pushes his small plate of food over to Carlos.
"I'm fine!" Carlos pushes the plate back over.
"No, eat some!" Mel moves closer to Carlos.
It took a couple minutes of Mel begging Carlos, but Carlos eventually ate some food. Mel was happy he had gotten Carlos to eat. Carlos seems happy as well. It wasn't long at all until we were just laying around. I had y/n in my arms. Y/n was fast asleep. Carlos and Mel were cuddling, they both were also asleep. The room grew quiet and I couldn't help but wonder who was behind all of this, the love potion. Was it Danny? But how, if so, how did she do it? She's dead.

Camilo Madrigal x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now