Part 7

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*I know I said this takes place after the movie but let's pretend Antonio's gift ceremony happens after the movie*

"Where have you been? I went to go see if you were with the Madrigals but when Bruno answered the door and said you weren't there-"
My mother clearly was stressed out.
"I was with Camilo, in the forest" I then told her what happened with Bella.
She was speechless. She just stared at me.
"You mean the person who was over WASN'T CAMILO"
"What do you mean?" My heart skips a beat.
"Earlier Camilo came over, he said he was looking for you."

Camilo's POV:

I'm laying in my bed because my mom told me to rest. And yes, I am tired and still have a headache but I feel like I should be doing something. I get startled out of thought when my mom opens my bedroom door abruptly.
"Are you feeling better?" She says walking towards me and sitting on the foot of my bed.
I freeze as the realization hit me.
"MAMA" I say standing suddenly.
"MIRABEL! WHERE IS SHE" I almost dash out of the room when she catches my arm.
"She's okay. She's resting in her room. We found her outside a day ago.. she was just laying there on the grass. I've never seen your Tia Julieta so frightened"
I slowly sat back down.
"Now. Get some rest, okay?" She gave me a peck on my forehead and left the room.

Y/n's POV:

I was feeling way better so, after asking I went to the casita to see if Camilo was okay (obviously the first place I would go). I knock on the door and a few moments later it opens to Dolores.
"Oh! Hey, y/n!"
"Hey, Dolores! May I come in?"
"Of course!" She moves aside to let me in, "Mirabel is still asleep but Camilo's awake, you can go up there and hangout with him if you want!" She then gives a smile and a wave goodbye before going off and doing her duties.
I walk up the stairs and to his room. I knock and hear, "come in!". I open the door and walk in.
"y/n! I didn't know you'd be here?" Camilo says.
"Yeah, thought I'd come and see how you're doing?"
"I'm fine, still got a headache but it's not so bad now"
I sit down on his bed. Camilo sits up.
I forget what to say when I see the sun from the window hitting his face and accenting the green in his eyes. Camilo fake coughs and that's when I finally realize that I've just been staring at him this whole time.

Camilo's POV:

When I sit up and she sits down I notice her staring at me. At first it didn't bother me but it got very awkward when the seconds started passing. I'm starting to wonder if there's something on my face that she's staring at. Is there food in my teeth? I fake cough to get her attention, and it worked. She blinks and shakes her head slightly. She looks away with her cheeks bright red. I do the same.

Y/n's POV:

I can't believe I did that. I wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.
"Uhm, I'm going to go see if Mirabel is up.." I say standing up and walking out of the room.
I knock on the door and walk in. Surprisingly she was up, in fact she looks like she's been up for a while.
"Hey Mira, are you feeling better?" I give a warm smile.
"Hey, y/n! Yeah, I'm doing better, I have a bad sunburn though"
"Looks like we're all suffering the bad side affects, huh?" I sit down on her bed.
I look down at her lap and notice she was hand sewing something.
"What are you sewing?"
She stops and picks up the item.
"Oh, just a stuffed animal for Antonio. He's nervous for his gift ceremony. I mean who wouldn't be, he's the first person after me who is supposed to get a gift but might not.." she sighs while still staring at the item.
"Mirabel, you can't blame yourself for not getting a gift. It's not your fault." I scooch up between her and the wall and I place my head on her shoulder.
"Thanks, y/n".

Camilo's POV:

That was very weird. She just said she was going to see if Mirabel was up and then just left. I was again left alone in my quiet room. I looked out the window and just watched everyone walk around, go to the store, and chat with other people (not in a creepy way). I had nothing to do. And if my mom saw me out of bed she'd tell me to go back up into my room. But I don't care so, I'll go see what y/n and Mirabel are doing.
I quietly peek out of my door to see in anyone was there, no one. So I quietly walk over to Mirabel's room. I try to be as quiet as possible because believe it or not I have a sister with the gift to hear anything and everything, and I don't think she'll hold back on telling my parents that I'm out of bed.
I get to Mirabel's room and I open the door. For a quick second I see y/n's head on Mirabel's shoulder. But they quickly got startled and jumped a bit.
"Uhm.." I looked at both of them "sorry, I feel like I interrupted something"
Y/n's face went pink.
"Oh no, you're fine. You didn't interrupt anything" Mirabel picks the item back up and starts sewing again.
"What are you two doing?" I walk over and sit in the chair that was next to the bed.
"We're just hanging out and talking while I sew"
"What are you sewing?" I inch closer to see the item better.
"A jaguar for Antonio, don't tell him, it's his surprise" she looked at me from the corner of her eye then looks back at the jaguar stuffed animal.
"That's nice, he is an animal guy" I lean back in the chair.
Y/n isn't looking at me. Rather she's looking at the wall, or the jaguar. And her face is still tinted pink. She's not even talking, which is kind of weird considering she's quite talkative. I hope I didn't make her feel embarrassed. Although that was awkward. I feel kind of bad. Was it rude of me to get her attention by coughing?

Writers note: I hope this chapter made up for the past few chapters that were a bit shorter. Thank you guys for reading this! It really means a lot!

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