Part 37

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Y/n's POV:

It was the next morning. Antonio woke us up by jumping on the bed. All three of us looked up at Antonio.
"Good morning!" He says.
"Why'd you wake us?!" Carlos says.
"It's almost noon! I woke up around eight!" He sits down.
"Oh! Okay then.." Carlos says.
Pepa walked in.
"It's time for lunch! You guys skipped breakfast!" She walks over to us.
She gets Carlos by the arm and yanks him off of the bed.
"Ahhh! You're crazy! I was going to get up on my own, thanks!" Carlos gave his mother a scowl.
Pepa walked out. Antonio got off the bed and helped his brother get up.
"Thanks, Antonio!" Carlos says.
We went downstairs. We saw everyone at the table. Alma gave us a dirty look. We sit down next to each other. We served ourselves food. There was a bit of food being thrown by Carlos and Camilo. They kept throwing food at each other from across the table. Pieces of food would hit me occasionally.
"Would you two stop!?" Pepa gives the two boys a nasty look.
They look at each other trying hard not to laugh. A piece of food was thrown once more... but it hit Pepa. She stands up.
"Go to your rooms!" She points upstairs.
The twins stood up and walked out. After my breakfast I went upstairs to see what the twins were doing. I open Camilo's door and saw him drawing. I go over and sit by him on his bed.
"What are you drawing?" I ask.
"A flower.."
"Oh nice! I'm going to go see what Carlos is doing.. okay?"
"Alright! Have fun!"
I walk out of his room. I start walking towards Carlos' room. I hear faint whimpering coming from Carlos' room. I put my ear to the door.
"F-Fuck!~" I hear Carlos say.
I open his door. I see him laying in his bed. His blankets are covering his body. His hand was under the sheets. He looks at me. His face went red. He quickly adjusts whatever was under the sheets. He gets up and walks over to me. He closes the door.
"Y/n! What are you doing here?!" He brings me over to his bed for me to sit down.
I don't sit down though.
"Never mind that! What were you doing just NOW?!" I scream/whisper.
"Nothing! I was doing nothing!" He walks a little with a limp.
"Then why are you limping!?"
"I- uh.. It's non of your business!" He looks around nervously.
"Carlos... I swear. If you were doing what I think you were doing-" he cut me off.
"I wasn't!.."
"Fine! Yes! I was! Can't you just leave me alone?!" He walks over to the door.
"You're disgusting!"
He opens his bedroom door.
I walked out of his room. I went to Camilo's room. I opened his door and I sat down on his bed.
"What's up? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Camilo says.
"You're brother-!"
"What'd he do?!" Camilo said.
"He- he... I walked in on him.."
"No... Was he really doing... that?!"
Camilo looked as though he was going to puke. Camilo got up. He walked towards Carlos' room.
"Ah! W-What?!" Carlos looked over to Camilo.
Carlos saw me behind Camilo and new exactly what Camilo was there for.
"Look! I-" Carlos was cut off.
"Is this why you sounded so weird yesterday?! We're you doing this yesterday?!" Camilo was more angry than I expected.
"Please.. don't tell anyone..."
"Why shouldn't I?!" Camilo walked over to his bed.
"I-I don't know... it's just.. if mom and dad found out they would kick me out of the house... forever probably. And I can't do that to to you guys... especially Antonio. When he asked me why I left, I saw the sadness in his eyes. He knew and he remembered me promising him never to leave again. But I did.. I broke that promise."
"If you don't want to be kicked out or break any promises, don't do stuff that'll make that happen!"
"I don't know why I do the things that I do!"
"That's not an excuse!"
"Why are you getting at me for this?!" Carlos stood up.
"Because! I don't want you getting kicked out again! I remember you promising me that same promise. And guess what? You broke it!" Camilo had an angry face but a tear still slipped from his eye.
Carlos just stood there. Carlos looked over to me. He pointed a finger at me.
"This is ALL your fault!" Carlos yelled.
"What?! How is it my fault?!" I yell back.
"You walked in on me! You didn't even knock! You told my brother! And, it's almost like the situation with Camilo when you found out he was drinking! You told Mirabel, she came into Camilo's room, and that's how he busted! It's always YOUR FAULT!" Carlos was taking deep breaths.
"....yeah. I did do all of that. But it's not like I want to get people kicked out!"
"And people always take your side because your someone they can trust! You haven't done anything stupid to lose peoples trust! But let me tell you something, you've definitely lost my trust! You're such a tattletale!" Carlos came closer to me.
He peered down at me. He made me feel small. I didn't like it. Camilo saw the anger in my eyes, as Camilo himself had done something similar before. Camilo stepped in between me and Carlos.
"Back off.." Camilo said calmly.
"Why?!" Carlos was angry.
"I think you both need space.. Carlos.. we won't tell.. alright?" Camilo and I backed away.
We walked out of the room. I kept my head down. I didn't want to look at Camilo.
"Are you alright?" Camilo asked.
"Mhm.." I continue to look at the ground.
"...My brother just gets heated... He doesn't mean any of things he says when he's angry. Just give him time to cool off." Camilo put his arm around me.
"But he did mean everything he said. His tone, his body language, his words... I know he was speaking from heart.."
"He's an ass. Don't worry about it."
"If you say so.."

Camilo Madrigal x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now