Part 74. Today, a rollar coater.

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Carlos' POV:

I seen Mel was awake. He was just staring at the ceiling.
"Hey, do you want to eat something? It'll heal you." I say.
I got up from the bing bag chair and left the room. I went downstairs, forgetting that I was grounded. My mother saw me entering the kitchen.
"What are you doing?! I thought I locked you to your bed!"
"Mamá.. Can't I just get some food?" I grab an arepa from a plate.
"I guess so.. Did Camilo unlock you?"
"Sí. But don't be mad at him."
She just rolled her eyes and walked away. I went back upstairs. I knelt next to Mel. I fed him the arepa. All of his burns disappeared.
"Better?" I ask.
"Yeah, thank you."
Mel sat up. I sat back down in the bing bag chair.
"You seem off. Are you good?" Mel asks.
"Yeah, why?"
"You just seem off. Is it because I punched you..? I'm really sorry. I don't know why I did that.." Mel looks down at his palm.
"No. It's not that. I'm fine."
"Please tell me.. What happened? Ever since you came back, you've been off."
Mel laid back down.

Camilo's POV:

It was the next morning. I woke to Mel crying and screaming at Carlos. Carlos just stood there, head down.
Carlos didn't answer. Y/n sat next to me. She was confused on what was happening as well. Tears were streaming down Mel's face.
"ARE YOU GOING TO LEAVE ME?!" Mel could barely breathe, he was crying so hard.
"What's happening?" I ask.
Mel and Carlos look at me but none of them answer.
"Mel, I wasn't going to leave you for him. I just thought he was cute." Carlos says, ashamed.
Wait what? Carlos kissed who?
"It just happened."
"MEL! It was just a kiss! Calm down!"
"I know if this was flipped you'd react the same exact way. So don't tell me to calm down!" Mel pointed at Carlos.
"Please, I didn't mean for it to happen!"
"Okay, who did Carlos kiss? And how do you know?" I ask.
"Tell him, Carlos!" Mel spat.
"..I snuck out and hung around with that Avery guy.. We kissed and Mel just so happened to be there." Carlos looks to ground.
"Why would you do that, Carlos?" Y/n asks.
Mel got the glass flower vase that was on my dresser and he threw it at Carlos. The glass shattered into millions of pieces. The glass pierced Carlos' skin.
"AH! WHY'D YOU DO THAT?!" Carlos screams.
"I HATE YOU!" Mel ran out of the room.
I chased after him.
"Mel! You've gotta protect yourself from the sun!" I say.
"I don't care!"
"Well, I do!"
I walk outside with Mel.
"What are you doing!" Mel yells.
"I'm walking you home. I'll block the sun from hitting you. Anyways, wanna tell me the whole story?" I ask.
"I saw Carlos go out. I followed. I seen him flirting with that guy. They kissed. I ran to them and started yelling at Carlos. Carlos said to the guy, 'I don't know who this is.' I continued to yell and yell until we got back to the Casita. Carlos still refuses to say he was in the wrong.."
"Oh.. Carlos is.. an asshole."

Y/n's POV:

"Okay.. deep breath." I pull another piece of glass from his skin.
Carlos took a deep breath in and then out.
"Okay, another.."
"Shit!" Carlos closes his eyes tight.
"I know, I know. I'm sorry." I got up to throw the pieces of glass away.
I brushed all of the glass off my hands and into the garbage. I walk back over to Carlos and I sit down. I'm about to pick another piece of glass out from his skin when he stops me.
"It hurts too much. Please, no more..?"
"Carlos, I can't just leave glass in your skin. Would you like to have Camilo do it?"
I heard the door open from downstairs.
"Oh! Camilo! Come up here!"
Camilo walks through the door.
"What's up?" He asks.
"Carlos is being chicken and wants you to get the glass from his skin." I say.
Camilo took the tweezers from me.
"Okay. Here we go." Camilo pulls a piece.
Camilo stops. He looks at me, he looks back to Carlos.
"Oh, god. Carlos? There's a big piece of glass stuck in your foot.."
"Don't look!" I say.
Carlos closed his eyes.
"We're going to have to get that out. Ready?"
"NO! Please, please, please! Don't!"
Camilo pulled the glass as fast as he could.
"Y/n, can you go get food?"
I nod my head and I run downstairs. I get a piece of fresh bread. I ran back upstairs. I shoved the piece of bread into Carlos' mouth. Carlos sighs.
"Okay, I think that's all the glass.. Jeez, Mel got you good."
"Why'd you.. kiss Avery if you knew you were dating Mel?"
"As I said, it just happened.."
"You really think I'm that dumb?"
"Uh.. Avery leaned in. I backed away and he was confused. He came closer and I was up against a wall and couldn't go back any further. I just let it happen.. Mel came running towards us. Mel had started to yell, and yell." Carlos swallowed the piece of bread.
"I can't help but realize you left out the part where you told Avery you didn't know who Mel was.. Is that true?"
Carlos takes a deep breath in, "Yeah, I did say that. I don't know why.. I guess I didn't want Avery to feel in the wrong.."
"It sounds like Mel is mad about you two kissing.. but even more mad because you said you didn't know him. You need to say something to Mel." Camilo sat next to me on the bed.
"Yeah, I fucked up." Carlos walks out of the room.
I'm guessing he's going to Mel's. Camilo looks over to me. He sighs and drops his head on my shoulder.
"Everything will be okay." I whisper.
"I know... Do you want to go eat?"
We walk downstairs and to the kitchen.
"Go take a seat. I'll get us some food."
I pulled a chair out for myself. I sat down and just watched as Camilo piled food onto two plates.
"Luckily the food is still warm." He hands me a plate.
He sits down next to me and starts to shovel food into his mouth. I took a bite and soon I was shoveling food into my mouth. The food is very delicious. As soon as our plates were finished Camilo took both our plates to the sink. He sets them down. He walks back over to me and bows his head with his hand out in front of him and his other hand behind him. I look at his hand then I look up at him, confused. He looks up slightly.
"Madam?" He says in a fancy type of tone.
I place my hand in his. He grips my hand softly and pulls me to my feet, inches away from his face. I smile, as well as blush at his weird yet charming way of flirting. In a blink of an eye Camilo dips me. I am looking up into his beautiful eyes as he stares back at mine. Some how Camilo had a rose in between his teeth, I don't know where he got the rose from, but it made me wonder what he was up to. Camilo takes the rose from his mouth and hands it to me.
"Alright, princesa. Shall I take you to the royal bedroom?"
"Sí, mí amor!" I say with excitement.
Camilo sweeps me off of my feet and into his arms. He carries me up the stairs and into his bedroom. Camilo gently lays me down on his bed.
"You're so pretty.." Camilo examines my face.
I blush but I try to hide it. He takes his shirt off. He throws his shirt to the floor and goes to my neck. He lightly kisses my neck. His hands rub the back of my neck and slowly move down my body and under my shirt. He lifts my shirt over my head. He starts to kiss my chest (not boobs, chest.. like above the boobs:) I run my fingers through his hair. He keeps his hands on my waist.
"Mí amor!" Camilo muffled through his kisses.
I giggled a bit. Camilo's hands moved down to my pants line. He tugs a bit at my pants but we both froze in place when we heard screaming. We turn our heads and see Antonio standing there covering his eyes. Camilo got off of me and ran towards Antonio. I covered my body with the blankets.
"Antonio! What are you doing in here?!" Camilo turns Antonio away.
"AAH! WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?!" Antonio shrieks.
"Don't tell mom! I'm sorry Antonio! We were just playing around! Nothing happened!" Camilo brings Antonio outside of the bedroom.
I threw on my shirt and then listened to their conversation.
"Why is Antonio screaming?" I hear Félix question.
"Uh- Nothing! We are playing a game-"
"Why is your shirt off?"
"I don't know! Take him! Good bye!"
"Camilo! What happened- oooh... I get it. I'll take care of Antonio. You go back to.. whatever you were doing." Camilo walks back into the bedroom.
His face was all red. He was sweating and shaking.
"Great.. My dad just caught me.." Camilo face plants into his pillow.
He screams into the pillow and then looks up at me.
"...At least he's not mad..?" I say.
"Yeah, but now my moms going to find out."
I didn't say anything because I knew that was what was probably going to happen.
"Want to take your mind off of it?" I raise an eyebrow.
"No! I mean like.. want to go up on the roof?"
"Sure! That sounds fun!"
We made our way to the roof and we both lay down. We spot clouds that were shaped as objects or anything else. I spot a heart. I point it out to Camilo. He looks back at me and smiles. I wish this moment can last forever.

Camilo Madrigal x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now