Part 84. Danny's causing trouble.

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Y/n's POV:

I wake up, strapped to a chair. Camilo is in front of me. His head was all bandaged. He was awake and smoking a cigarette.
He looks up and sees I'm awake.
"I'm fine! Is your head hurting?!"
"Yeah! It hurts a lot! But it's okay!"
"Camilo, put that cigarette down! How did you get that and light it?"
"Danny lit it for me.."
"That son of a bitch. Please put the cigarette down?"
"I have the right to smoke right now! I'm in a stressful situation!" Camilo laughs at himself.
"Put. It. Down!"
He hits it again and blows the smoke up.
"Let me? I have an-" Camilo was about to say something when he just stops talking.
"Well, I see your girlfriend really cares about you." Danny comes up from behind and places a hand on his shoulder.
Camilo shivers a little and closes his eyes. Camilo sure does look uncomfortable. Then, Danny does something that makes me.. livid. Danny walks around Camilo and throws one leg over his lap, sitting down on his lap.
"Get off of him!" I yell.
She turns her head towards me, eyeing me down. She laughs and throws her arms around Camilo's neck.
"Please, Danny? Can you get off?" Camilo says, scared out of his mind.
"You heard him!" I say.
"What's the problem? Don't you like this?" Danny gives Camilo an ugly ass pouty face.
Camilo thought for a moment.. but about what? He raises his eyebrows as if he had an idea.
"I'll let you do anything to me... but only if you untie me..?" Camilo says.
"Why? So you can just do something to me to escape?" Danny was suspicious.
"I mean, that would be a good idea. But, that's not what I was intending to do. I just thought if you untie me.. I can pleasure you more that way.." Camilo's good at acting.
"I don't know.. Let me go get Avery." Danny left the room.
Camilo looks to me.
"You're going to get yourself killed." I worry for him.
"Don't worry."
Danny came back in a short amount of time with Avery. Avery looks beaten. He looks sad and tired. Avery seen us and his eyes lit up.
"Danny, let us go! What is the point of this!" I scream.
"Avery, mind showing y/n why she should keep her mouth closed? Show her what happens when she talks too much! ...Show her what happened to you." Danny had an evil grin on her face.
Avery was shaking. He looks too nervous to do anything. But he slowly lifts his shirt, revealing a... burned on symbol, also dripping with blood. The symbol was engrained on his chest.
"W-What happened..?" I say in a shaky voice.
"Go ahead, Avery." It seemed like Danny had to allow Avery to speak..
"She had an object that glowed red, it was so hot. And then, she had it urging onto my skin."
"So he'll have that scared symbol on his skin for the rest of his life.. always a reminder!" She hugs Avery from behind.
"Anything else, Danny?" Avery sighs.
"Yes.. Go grab Carlos and Mel for me. I think this will be interesting!" Danny pushes Avery along.
"What a psychotic bitch."
"Y/n, you don't want her hearing you say those things.. be careful." Camilo looks sick all of a sudden.
"Camilo, are you okay?"
"Yes.. why?"
I was about to say something but Camilo leans slightly forward. In one quick second he starts to cough furiously. He spits out blood. He looks up and I see his mouth was just dripping with blood.
"Are you okay?! What just happened?!" I wish I could go over to him and help him.
"I'm fine.. I-It's n-nothing.." he coughs a little more.
Danny comes back with Avery, Mel and Carlos. Carlos was passed out in Avery's arms. Mel had his head hanging low and arms behind his back. Danny pushes Mel to the ground on his knees in front of us. Carlos remained in Avery's arms.
"What's wrong with Carlos?!" Camilo screams.
"He was misbehaving when we wanted him to come with us so I did what was necessary. He'll wake up soon, don't worry!" Danny kneels next Mel.
She whispers something in Mel's ear. Mel straightened his posture and his eyes widen. Avery clears his throat. We all look to Avery.
"What." Danny says.
"May I please heal these people..? I can't stand to watch them suffer like this.." Avery flinches, expecting the worse from Danny's reaction.
Danny stands and walks to Avery.
"You heal these people, I swear, you're done for."
Avery nods and sets Carlos carefully on the ground.
"Avery! Get these two into chairs!" Danny demands.
Mel and unconscious Carlos were seated and tied to chairs like me and Camilo.
"Now, Camilo? You said if I untie you.. you will be able to do more with me..?" Danny wonders.
"Anything." Camilo reassures.
Danny unties him but still makes him be seated. Danny sits on Camilo's lap. I'm about to blow. Danny starts to kiss Camilo all over. Camilo doesn't seem to enjoy it.
"I've waited for this." Danny says excitedly.

Camilo's POV:

I have to play along, or she won't believe me. I'm sorry y/n. I place both of my hands on her waist. I kiss back. I know everyone is watching, disgusted, I'm disgusted as well. After a long time of kissing and her unbuttoning my shirt, I decide it's time for what I had been planning for. I was going to do my plan but Avery starts talking.
"Is something burning..?" Avery smiles at Danny.
There was smoke coming from all around Danny. Danny starts to panic. Now is my chance. I bring my cigarette up. I hesitate.. if I miss.. this won't be good. I just decide to get it over with. I jab my burning cigarette into her eye socket. Danny screams and falls to the ground, holing her hand to her eye. I stand up and go to untie y/n.
"Avery, help us!" I scream to him.
He hesitates at first. Danny gets to her feet, still covering her eye. Avery knocks Danny to the ground again. Avery holds her arms behind her back.
"Go, go, go!" Avery yells.
Y/n is untied. Now we have to do Mel and Carlos. Y/n unties Mel, and I untie Carlos. Danny is struggling.
"You bastards!" Danny kicks her feet at Avery.
Wait.. this seems too easy..
"We've got to go get my mother and Julieta!" I remember.
"But where are they?!" Y/n questions.
"Danny, tell us now!" I turn my head to her.
"Not a chance. Especially after you just blinded me in one eye." She says coldly.
Avery forces her head into the floor.
"Tell us!" Avery demands.
All Danny did was chuckle. From all of the crushing weight on her head, she eventually stopped breathing and passed out. We have to find them.

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