Part 49

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Y/n's POV:

It's the next day. Me and Camilo decide to go to the prison to check up on Carlos. We got there and someone led us to him. He was in the courtyard.
"Hey, Carlos!" Camilo yells.
Carlos ran over to us, a few older dudes following behind.
"You look good in orange!" Camilo says.
"Uh.. thanks. Why are you here?"
"We just wanted to check up on you, after what had happened yesterday I was just worried.."
"Well, I'm fine!" Carlos says.
"Good... Carlos?! Is that a tattoo?!" Camilo and I noticed a tattoo on his shoulder.
"Oh! Yeah.. These guys gave it to me." Carlos looks over to the four guys.
"What does it mean?" I ask.
"Not quite sure." Carlos leans in and whispers, "I didn't want to ask."
The tall buff guy walks over.
"They bothering you, KK?" The buff guy asks.
"Oh! No! Bones, this is my brother and his girlfriend.. Camilo, Bones.. Bones, Camilo.. y/n, Bones.. Bones, y/n.." Carlos looked hesitant.
"Ah.. I see." The buff guy, Bones, folds his arms.
Camilo holds my hand.
"Anyways, Kid. You wanna lift some weights with us?" Bones asks.
"Sure! I'll be over there in a minute!" The four guys walk away.
"KK?" Camilo asks.
"Killer Kid.." Carlos rubs his neck.
"Killer Kid?! Carlos, how'd you get that name?"
"They think I murdered Bella."
"I told them that I murdered Bella.."
"Why would you do that?!" I say.
"So they won't think I'm weak.. Look, I've really got to go." Carlos walks off.
Me and Camilo go back to the Casita. Camilo tackles me on his bed with hugs. I fall asleep in his arms.

Carlos' POV:

"Aye, KK!" Bones calls.
I go over to them.
"What's up?"
"This guy thinks he's strong than you!" He points to a wimpy old dude.
"Go show him! Arm wrestle!"
I thought for a second before I go over to him. I place my elbow on the table. He does so as well. Our hands join together. He gives me scary grin.
"Three... two... one!"
The match has begun. This old guy is way stronger than I anticipated. My arm is going down slowly. The table is shaking. People are yelling, I'm not quite sure what, but it's clear they are invested in this match between me and this old guy. It's not long before I hear my forearm crack. A sharp pain ran all throughout my arm. My arm crashed onto the table. My forearm went numb. My opponent laughed with a toothless smile. He raised both his arms and curled his hands into fists, waving them in the air. I held my arm. Bones didn't look too happy. He walks over to me. His eyebrows furrowed.
"I-I'm sorry-" Bones leaned in.
He put both his hands on my shoulders.
"Stay here." He walks over to the old guy, fists at his side.
He taps the old guy on his shoulder. The old guy turns around cautiously, his eyes widen. I don't think I've ever seen someone throw another person like a rag doll. The rest of the gang Charlie, Miko, and Rage joined in. It was actually amazing to watch them jump the poor guy. The guards were just watching, they must be used to this. After a minute Bones came back to me.
"You alright, kid?" He looks at my arm.
"Yeah.." I was still holding my arm.
"Let me check it out.." We both sat on the grass.
He took my bruised arm. He carefully analyzed it, making sure not to move my arm too much.
"Maybe a little break. It should be fine. Maybe just don't lift weights for a while?"
"Thanks, Bones.." I smile.
"Anytime, kid." We both stood up.
Charlie, Miko, and Rage walk up to us.
"Oooo~ Bones has a soft side~" Charlie taunts.
Bones manages to put Charlie into a headlock.
"Say that again!" Bones threatens.
"Okay! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He chokes out.
Bones let Charlie go. We went back inside. Bones stayed by my side the whole time. When the rest of the gang wasn't listening I asked Bones a question.
"Why are you nice to me?" I bet it sounded stupid.
"What? Want me to be mean?"
"No! I mean.. no."
"I'm kidding!" I can tell he's trying to avoid the question.
I wonder why he's nice to me though.
"Is there a reason?" I ask.
"Kid, if I didn't have you under my wing, you'd be dead already."
I didn't say anything else.
It came night and I couldn't sleep. I laid on the bottom bunk of the bed. Bones laid next to me. He took up most of the space, I barely had room, it didn't bother me too much though.
"Hey kid, you okay?" Bones asks.
"You're awake?" I look over to Bones.
"Yeah. Answer my question, you okay?" He says again.
"Then why ain't you sleepin?"
"Talk to me, kid. Don't ignore me." He turned on his side.
"I miss people."
"You know, you're really soft for a murderer."
"I- Soft?"
"Mhm. Hey, no judgment! Except being soft is just gonna get you killed here."
I just smiled because I know that's true. I noticed a little bear in the corner of the bed. It had blood stains and tears.
"Nice teddy bear." I say.
"Are you trying to make fun of me?"
"..No.... Why do you have a teddy bear?" I ask.
"Non of your business.."
"It was my kids. He gave it to me right before I was put away."
"It's important.."
Bones eventually fell asleep, I did to. I woke up to Bones mumbling in his sleep, with the teddy bear in his arms. I almost have a heart attack when Charlie hangs his head from the top bunk to the bottom.
"Uh.. hi?" I say.
"..he's a gentle giant. He acts tough.. but he's really not, I mean not emotionally. It's rare someone ever sees his soft side."
"His life before prison was... well, it was hard for me to listen when he spilled his past life. He doesn't like talking about it. But the one time he did, I almost threw up, I felt so bad."
"What.. did happen.." I didn't know if that was too much to ask.
"I don't know if I'm the right one to tell you that. He doesn't like feeling vulnerable, so me telling his story.. doesn't feel right." He lifted his head back up.
I didn't really sleep for the rest of the night. I kept thinking of Camilo. I miss him.

Camilo Madrigal x y/nNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ